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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012


20 May – 27 May 2012

“We will all be changed by the Victory of our Lord Jesus Christ”

(cf. 1 Cor 15:51-58)

The 2012 theme is concerned with the transformative power of faith in Christ, particularly in relation to our praying for the visible unity of the Church, the Body of Christ. This was based on St. Paul’s words to the Corinthian Church which speaks of the temporary nature of our present lives (with all its apparent “victory” and “defeat”) in comparison to what we receive through the victory of Christ through the Paschal mystery.

Why such a theme?WOP_2012

The history of Poland has been marked by a series of defeats and victories. We can mention the many times that Poland was invaded, the partitions, oppression by foreign powers and hostile systems. The constant striving to overcome all enslavement and the desire for freedom are a feature of Polish history which have led to significant changes in the life of the nation.  And yet where there is victory there are also losers who do not share the joy and triumph of the winners.

This particular history of the Polish nation has led the ecumenical group who have written this year’s material to reflect more deeply on what it means to “win” and to “lose”, especially given the way in which the language of “victory” is so often understood in triumphalist terms. Yet Christ shows us a very different way!

The 2012 resources, have been adapted by a small Week of Prayer team from the materials produced jointly by the WCC & the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, drawing on the Polish churches’ experience, here for Australia, they seek to deepen our unity in Christ. It is hoped that these resources may be used in creative ways assisting people’s reflections on the unity that is visible in Christ. Please mark the Week of Prayer in ways that are most appropriate for the place where you live.


Ecumenical Service of Worship outline with notes and suggestions for Worship Leaders and Order of Service ( A4 PDF ) ( word )

An Order of Worship for congregational use in   ( A5 PDF ) or in ( A5 Word )

Sermon Notes on the central text 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 ( Sermon Notes PDF )

Daily Prayers and Biblical Reflections ( 8 days PDF )

Prayers and Reflections for each day:

Day One (20 May)                  Day Two (21 May )

Day Three (22 May)                 Day Four (23 May)

Day Five (24 May)                   Day Six (25 May)

Day Seven (26 May)                 Day Eight (27 May)

A  Colour A3 Poster is available to download ( poster )

Prayer Cards are available to order $10 for 25 ( Prayer Card )

For Orders Phone Laura on (02) 9299 2215 email; faithandunity[at]ncca.org.au


Global resources introducing the theme for 2012, A reflection placing this year's Week of Prayer themes and the 8 Days' Prayer materials in their biblical and theological context. ( Introducting the Theme )

The Ecumenical Context in Poland ( PDF )

If you download resources from the NCCA website, a donation to the NCCA for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity would be appreciated and will assist in the preparation of  resources in the future.


Information concerning Week of Prayer for Christian Unity events may be obtained from your State Ecumenical Council.



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