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6th National Forum

6th National Forum (1)

13 - 17 July 2007: Alexandra Headlands, Queensland

Alexandra Park Conference Centre
Alexandra Headlands
Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Forum Minutes

Working Documents - 140 pages
(part 1) and (part 2)
These documents are in pdf format
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Session Information


Thursday, 23 July 2009 11:53

Session Information

Written by

6th National Forum
The Sixth Forum of the National Council of Churches in Australia was held from July 13-17, 2007, at the Alexandra Park Conference Centre at Alexandra Headlands on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, Queensland.


The Theme - Life Together

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!..."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a brilliant German theologian, wrote his book Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community just before World War II. It became an inspiration to many pastors to witness against Hitler. It has continued to be an important work revealing a simple and clear understanding of life in the Body of Christ.

The NCCA is a community living ecumenically in the Body of Christ. Forums of the NCCA are critical to the fulfillment of the NCCA's constitutional calling to "deepen [our] relationship with each other in order to express more visibly the unity willed by Christ for his Church, and to work together towards the fulfilment of [our] mission of common witness, proclamation and service ..."* At the 6th National Forum delegates from the 15 member Churches of the NCCA will continue to explore and make commitment to Christian life together in our Australian context.
* from the NCCA Constitution


Bible Studies
The team of Merryl Blair (Churches of Christ) and Vic Pfitzner (Lutheran) have created Bible Studies developing sub-themes under the overall theme of Life Together.

Saturday, July 14 - Life Together: The Prodigal God

Monday, July 16 - Life Together: The Gift

Tuesday, July 17 - Life Together: The Common Life for the World




Everyday the Forum community shared in worship together. The Worship Committee organised representatives of several denominations to begin and end each day in prayers, enabling the Forum community to experience different styles of worshiping God.

On Sunday, July 15, an inspiring public service was held at Immanuel Lutheran Church. The service began at 11am. The general public was invited to come and join the Forum delegates, NCCA staff, representatives of state ecumenical councils and observer Churches.



New Member Churches Proposed
Two Churches had applied for membership of the NCCA since the last Forum (2004). They were the Chinese Methodist Church, who have congregations in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Wollongong, Canberra and Launceston, and the Mar Thoma Church, who have congregations in New South Wales and Victoria. These recommendations were put to the Forum and subsequently accepted.


Guest Speakers
Two very special speakers addressed the Forum in July.

sylviahaddadSylvia Haddad,
a Palestinian woman,
touring Australia as a
representative of the
Middle East Council
of Churches will also
address he Forum.

don_bolenMonsignor Don Bolen

from the Pontifical Council
for Promoting Christian Unity,
based at the Vatican, will
address the Forum. He will
share his experience of being
involved in a wide variety
of ecumenical dialogues.








jj_presenting_2004_2The NCCA's many commissions, committees, networks and working groups will be reporting on their work, and presenting visions for the future.
There will also be focus sessions on themes from the World Council of Churches Assembly in 2006, Covenanting and Make Indigenous Poverty History.

For more detailed program information including session times click here.

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