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Leaning into the Spirit -The Fourth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism

You are warmly invited to attend.

The Conference is hosted by:

  • The Centre for Ecumenical Studies / Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
  • The Australian Catholic University – Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry (Melbourne) and Signadou Campus (Canberra)
  • The Research Centre for Public and Contextual Theology (Charles Sturt University)

Yuróra  - a festival of culture and spirit

Yuróra is a Uniting Church youth event for delegates aged 16-25 from around Australia with programs for younger siblings and children. Yuróra places special emphasis on the participation and relationship with the First People of Australia and the Second Peoples of Australia.

International Day of People with Disability

Community Organisation and Communications Kit

3 December is recognised as the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD). “Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want ” is the theme for 2016.

You are invited to join in recognising and celebrating the wonderful contributions of people with disability by holding an event in your community. 

Enhancing Quality & Safety: Spiritual care in health Conference - 1-2 June 2017

Your help is required.

Your assistance is appreciated in gathering information about current attitudes to the role of spiritual care in hospitals. You may participate by either completing the survey or passing it on to someone with a specific interest in spiritual care of those in hospitals.

The data from the survey will be used to inform a national consensus conference Enhancing Quality & Safety: Spiritual care in health to be held 1-2 June 2017.

DIVEST INVEST – Webinar 12 December

Want to hear the latest on the global Divest Invest movement?

Are you interested in fossil fuel divestment but unclear on implementation?

You are invited to join a webinar to discuss the status of the fast paced global Divest Invest campaign, the latest updates from the recent COP 22 in Marrakesh, including from the Faith, Foundations and Finance events.

Saturday, 03 December 2016 05:59

Interfaith News

APRO One Day Forum 2017

APRO One Day Forum 2017

An invitation has been extended to NCCA and its member churches for a maximum of 20 delegates to this Forum.

Date: 22 February 2017, 10 am to 4 pm

Theme: Religious values and the value of religion

Location:  Strangers Function Room, NSW Parliament House, Sydney

Keynote: Former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally

Saturday, 03 December 2016 06:49

Ecumenical News

Ecumenical News

SA Dialogue of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches

An ecumenical dialogue has existed for more than 25 years in South Australia between the Uniting Church(UCA) and Roman Catholic Church(RC). Membership is appointed by the Synod Standing Committee of the UCA and the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission of the Adelaide Diocese and the Bishop of Port Pirie Diocese. Each denomination has 6 members, one of whom is the country representative, involved in the work of the two churches in the whole state. The two co-chairs are Rev Dr Michael Trainor (RC) and Dr Marelle Harisun (UCA). 

Saturday, 03 December 2016 07:39

Our Churches

Armenian Apostolic Church

Our Churches

60th Anniversary

In 1953, the Armenian Church Council of NSW founded the first Armenian Apostolic Church in Australia with the purchase of their first building at 108 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.

2017 will mark the 60 years since the Church established itself in Australia. On 22nd October this year the Church launched the official commemorative logo and outlined a schedule of events to take place throughout the coming year.

Saturday, 03 December 2016 08:32

Our People – Claire Evins, Act for Peace

Claire Evins, Act for Peace

Claire Evins works in the Marketing and Campaigns (MAC) team of Act for Peace (AfP), on a part time basis, three day per week with regular giving and Gifts of Peace.  Initially drawn to the job because it was a church based charity, Claire says that she loves working here.  She finds her job very rewardingbecause the fast paced environment and high energy involved make her days unique. 

Sunday, 04 December 2016 14:57

Our Works - Safe Church Tip

Ministry Review

Our Works - Safe Church Tip

A ministry review can be done on an annual basis with the leadership team, to assess the commitment, availabilities and suitability to the roles.

It also provides a space for leadership development and training opportunities for current leaders, as well as accountability for training new leaders.

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