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Our Churches

Armenian Apostolic Church

Our Churches

60th Anniversary

In 1953, the Armenian Church Council of NSW founded the first Armenian Apostolic Church in Australia with the purchase of their first building at 108 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.

2017 will mark the 60 years since the Church established itself in Australia. On 22nd October this year the Church launched the official commemorative logo and outlined a schedule of events to take place throughout the coming year.

The celebrations will begin in February with a cocktail party to acknowledge all those who have served the Church body over the past 60 years. A number of religious, cultural and historical activities are planned throughout the year culminating in a dedicated Divine Liturgy on Sunday 12 November, preceded by a gala dinner dance the evening before.

The NCCA congratulates the Armenian Church on its 60th Anniversary and passes on its blessings for the success of the events planned in 2017

Honorary Life Member

On 22 October, Honorary Life Membership was bestowed upon Miss Sonia Berberian for tireless years of service to the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Sonia’s involvement in the Church began in the 1960’s with a youth group referred to as the ‘Younger Set”. Sonia is recognised by her deeds of faith, her devotion to her beloved church and her conviction to care for the environment as a custodian of this earth.

In addition to serving as church Councillor from 2007-2010, she is member of the Management Committee of the Armenian Community Welfare Centre and a long serving committee member of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund (HAAF) and returns every year to Armenia to represent the Australian branch.

The National Council of Churches has known Sonia for many years through her service on our Executive Committee, representing the Armenian Apostolic Church since 1998. Sonia recently stepped down from this position earlier this year and her presence is greatly missed.

It is said of Sonia that with her humble service she embodies the words of Paul “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)

The NCCA commends Sonia on receiving this well-deserved honour from her Church.

USA visit of HH Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenia USA visit of HH Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenia 

His Holiness, Karekin II recently visited the United States. His Holiness was in New York from 31 October to 3 November to convene the meeting of the Supreme Spiritual Council. This is the first time the Council has assembled outside of Armenia.

The theme for the event was “From Holy Etchmiadzin to the World” and under this the Supreme Spiritual Council addressed the topic: “Energizing the Mission of the Armenian Church”.

Whilst in New York, His Holiness also presided over the 110th Anniversary celebration of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the official opening of St Nersess Armenian Seminary.


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