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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 19:06

Our Works - Act for Peace

Rasha’s story


Refugees like Rasha and her family fled Syria with nothing and now face a new problem: hunger. Because of a shortage of funds, Rasha’s family has not received food rations for 7 months. They’re scraping by however they can. 

Rasha left Syria with her family when the war arrived on her doorstep, “We were not thinking about leaving until the day when the army came to our neighbourhood and began setting up snipers in all the houses around our town. We were very worried about our family and the safety of our children, so we had to leave.”

Wednesday, 25 May 2016 20:51

Recent Events


VCC executive s

Sr Elizabeth addressed the AGM on Saturday 14 May 2016 and spoke about some of the challenges of the present time. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016 21:36

Message from the General Secretary

Sr Elizabeth Delaney SGS

The year is certainly flying by….

It is only weeks until the Ninth Triennial Forum. So much to do…. At this Forum the churches will install a new President. Rev’d Dr Mike Semmler has served as President for the past three years. Despite commencing retirement following his term of office as President of the Lutheran Church, he generously took on the role of the President of NCCA. As Head of Church, he had been a member of the Executive since 2001. I have very much appreciated his wisdom and his generosity during this past three years in particular. 

Tuesday, 26 April 2016 16:56

Interfaith News

Multi-faith Youth Deliver Diversity Message to Parliament

Multi-faith Youth Deliver Diversity Message to Parliament

Young people from diverse faith backgrounds stood for a society which “embraces diversity” and “celebrates difference” on Harmony Day 2016. They presented a message to politicians at NSW Parliament House which was voted on by over 400 young people at Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) 2015. To counter some of the messages of fear and intolerance, they also invited guest speakers to share how they could together support and welcome refugees to Australia.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016 17:47

Our Churches

Stop the Clock – Funding for Australian Aid

Our Churches – Stop the Clock – funding for Australian Aid

Leaders from a number of Christian denominations have written to the Federal Treasurer, Mr Scott Morrison, ahead of this month’s budget (to be presented on 3 May), urging that he scrap the planned cuts to Australia’s aid budget – cuts that will see Australia become the least generous we’ve ever been.

“These cuts damage and undermine programs which have a direct impact on the lives, livelihoods, security and opportunity of many of our region’s poorest and most vulnerable people and communities, including women and girls and people with disability”.

Multicultural Community Information ForumsMulticultural Community Information Forums run by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Now into its fourth year, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse continues to speak to individuals and groups around Australia about how to better protect children in the future.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016 19:06

Our Works – Safe Church Program

Family Violence - Faith Based Recommendations

Family Violence - Faith Based Recommendations

The Safe Church Program has been staying informed about developments in the area of family and domestic violence and working out constructive ways for churches to be part of the solution to the social problem that continues to be masked behind the privacy of closed doors.

After a 13 month inquiry the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence report was tabled in State Parliament on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 with 227 recommendations.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016 20:59

Our Works - Act for Peace

Act for Peace Ration Challenge and Refugee Church Meal

Our Works – Act for Peace

As you may have read, the Act for Peace Ration Challenge has launched for 2016. By taking the challenge and eating the exact same rations that a Syrian refugee living in Jordan receives for one week, this passionate community of people across Australia will be helping refugees around the world to build safe, just and dignified lives.

In addition to launching the Ration Challenge, Act for Peace is excited to announce that this year churches around Australia will come together to take part in the first ever Ration Challenge Refugee Meal. During Refugee Week, June 19-25, churches will share a meal of refugee rations to show refugees we’re with them, not against them. The money raised during the meal will provide rations, medicine and education to help Syrian and Iraqi refugees find the strength they need to cope.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016 21:24

Recent Events

Interfaith Climate Statement

Climate Change petition s

Last week the President of the UN General Assembly, H.E Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, was presented with an Interfaith Climate Change Statement signed by 250 global faith leaders’ from fifty countries. The Statement urges governments to promptly sign and ratify the Paris Agreement so that it can come into effect as soon as possible. The presentation took place in New York at UN headquarters onMonday 18th April, 11-12 pm EDT (Tuesday, 19th April, 2AM AEST). 

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