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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 19:06

Our Works - Act for Peace

Rasha’s story

Rasha’s story

Refugees like Rasha and her family fled Syria with nothing and now face a new problem: hunger. Because of a shortage of funds, Rasha’s family has not received food rations for 7 months. They’re scraping by however they can.

Rasha left Syria with her family when the war arrived on her doorstep, “We were not thinking about leaving until the day when the army came to our neighbourhood and began setting up snipers in all the houses around our town. We were very worried about our family and the safety of our children, so we had to leave.”

She’s away from the bombs, but in Jordan Rasha faces another threat to the lives of her family - finding enough food to eat. She is one of many Syrian families who face extreme hunger and food shortages.

Give a gift to help provide families like Rasha’s with urgently needed rations including rice, lentils, oil, tinned tomatoes and tuna. Your gift can also provide basic hygiene items for children or access to medical care. Most importantly, it will show Syrian refugees that you care.

If you’d like to help deliver a parcel of hope to Syrian refugees, visit www.actforpeace.org.au/syria


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