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Wednesday, 18 August 2021 16:19

The State of the Climate in the Pacific

Pacific Island countries need urgent action

  • Te Mana o te Moana: Greenpeace Report on Pacific Island Countries 

  • Fiji calls on Australia to adopt more ambitious emissions targets

  • Urgent climate action: prayers ahead of UN COP26
Wednesday, 18 August 2021 11:13

Request for commitment for Afghan refugees


NCCA-ACRT Letter to the Prime Minister


17 August 2021

The NCCA-ACRT request commitment for Afghan refugees

Like us, you must be feeling desperate about the situation in Afghanistan.  We have heard reports from many of our Afghan people who have family in Afghanistan or worrying about the related issues they see as emerging in Pakistan

Therefore we are all praying for a generous response from Australia to the situation of the Afghan people, in-country and in Australia, at this time. 

As part of ACRT, The Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP) is writing letters as are Taskforce members separately and severally to their supporters with the asks below.

The NCCA-ACRT letter to the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison can be downloaded here -  pdf 210817 NCCA ACRT PM AFG (193 KB)

The NCCA-ACRT have also sent one to Minister Hawke and Trent Zimmerman MP for North Sydney, Dave Sharma MP for Wentworth.


We give what comfort we can to those who are so traumatised by what is happening and we extend our love and support to them. 


You can help too

Please consider writing to the Prime Minister, the Minister for Immigration, the Labor Leader (addresses below) and your own MP. 

You may include the three asks below from The Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP) 

Dear ..., 

We ask that Australia:

  • Grant permanent protection or citizenship to all Afghan people seeking asylum and refugee status currently living in Australia or in immigration detention
  • Declare an intake of 20000 Afghan refugees (matching the Canadian commitment announced last night)
  • Assist Afghan Australians with urgent family reunion applications for relatives who are in imminent danger

Email addresses:

Prime Minister of Australia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

The Minister for Home Affairs: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Leader of the Opposition: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Telephone: (02) 9299 2215

Address: Locked Bag Q199,

QVB NSW 1230

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Wednesday, 07 July 2021 09:36

Climate Action – Awareness Campaign

Making your voice heard is key to help save the planet. 

The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne has launched a climate action awareness campaign that will run across all media platforms. We must both take action and demand action be taken by governments to stop climate change.  

Wednesday, 30 June 2021 14:47

Australian asylum policy


ACRT Media Release


30 June 2021

7,000 are waiting in limbo, need safety 

Currently, there are over 7,000 refugees waiting offshore. These people have already been granted permanent humanitarian visas to enter Australia but are still waiting offshore after been denied entry when the borders closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stuck in transit, many live without the right to work, study or travel freely. Families with sick children cannot access the healthcare they desperately need. Many have been stuck in this uncertainty for years, frightened and hoping for a better future.  

Little has been done by the government to change the barriers to entry for the vast majority of these 7000 people.  The Refugee Council of Australia (RCA) and UNHCR have called on the government to apply a blanket travel exemption for humanitarian visa holders, advocating for all of them to be allowed into Australia to start a new life – as they were promised.

Since August 2020, Australia has rejected 1,251 out of 1,826 applications for travel exemptions from refugees already granted protection by the government, according to Department of Home Affairs data obtained by SBS. 

Australia’s human rights record

The latest tracker by the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) showed no improvement in Australia’s human rights record in 2020, in particular relating to those most at risk of rights abuses. A HRMI spokesperson said Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people with disabilities, people with low socioeconomic status, and refugees and asylum seekers were shown to be at risk of violations of every right measured by the tracker. 






Telephone: (02) 9299 2215

Address: Locked Bag Q199,

QVB NSW 1230

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Tuesday, 22 June 2021 11:59

Media Release


ACRT Media Release


20 June 2021

Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce shares vision of new season of community support for refugees and asylum seekers

In a meeting at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 17th June, a delegation from the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) met with the office of the Hon Alex Hawke MP Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs to share the churches’ vision for a new partnership and a new season.

At the simplest level, the ACRT is calling on the Australian Government to:

  1. Conduct fair and timely assessment of claims for refugee status (putting resources into fair and timely assessment of claims and not into the exorbitant, unnecessary and harmful costs of detention).
  2. Support people seeking asylum to live in the community with adequate income and access to health care during the assessment of their claims (if they are unable to find work to support themselves.)
  3. Introduce community sponsorship of refugees as a new mechanism in Australia to provide safety and protection for those seeking refuge. 

Ms. Elizabeth Stone, General Secretary at the National Council of Churches in Australia explained that “Our churches, and other faith communities, are willing and able to be more involved in supporting refugees in our communities, and there is an existing groundswell of activity in many parts of Australia supporting people on temporary visas living and contributing to our communities. But we need government to make the changes to end detention and to support and encourage this community movement by giving permanent protection. It is good for Australia in so many ways.” 


Read the full Media Release:   pdf 20210620 NCCA ACRT Media Release Meeting with Minister Hawke office (176 KB)







Telephone: (02) 9299 2215

Address: Locked Bag Q199,

QVB NSW 1230

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Friday, 18 June 2021 11:46


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Give now to the work of the NCCA. Just click on the donate button.  

The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed.

(Prov.11:25 The Message)

NCCA Newsletter

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Click on Newsletter sign up NCCA website to take you to front page of the NCCA website, enter your details in the Newsletter Signup section to receive the monthly newsletter.

Friday, 14 May 2021 14:35

President's reflection


Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the Earth (cf Psalm 104:30)

The Feast of Pentecost completes our wonderful season of Easter.

Friday, 14 May 2021 14:34

Reconciliation in Australia

To walk this way

A reflection on Reconciliation by Felicity McCallum, First Nations Adviser to the NCCA.

There is something irresistible about the place of forgiveness and reconciliation....


Deepen accompaniment amidst COVID-19 pandemic 

Vaccine inequity, increasing trends of gender-based violence, injustices against indigenous peoples, and insecurities among the youth are all major issues that were discussed at the 4 June WCC–CCA joint Asia Regional Consultation.

"Churches in Asia must commit with one heart and mind our solidarity for those who are suffering..." Rev Dr San Chang, WCC

Wednesday, 12 May 2021 16:39

Media Statements


Australian Government Budget 2021-22


12 May 2021 

The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce notes that refugees and people seeking asylum are no better off from the budget with the Australian Government continuing to invest in offshore and onshore detention. “It seems crazy that we are continuing to pay millions more for detention rather than providing meaningful solutions,” said Rob Floyd, Chair of the Churches Refugee Taskforce. “And there is the absence of any new reforms to the community sponsorship program where church groups have put their hands up as partners,” he added.

Read the Eternity News article: A BOTTOM UP VIEW OF THE BUDGET

See also:

Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) budget media release: Govt chooses detention over hope for world's refugees in budget

Read the full budget summary from Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) here:  The Federal Budget: What it means for refugees and people seeking humanitarian protection






Telephone: (02) 9299 2215

Address: Locked Bag Q199,

QVB NSW 1230

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