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Climate Action – Awareness Campaign

Making your voice heard is key to help save the planet. 

The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne has launched a climate action awareness campaign that will run across all media platforms, including the St Paul’s Cathedral electronic noticeboard on Swanston Street. 

Nearer the time of the UN conference being held in November, the climate action campaign will augment this with an large scale information display of billboards tracking progress of country's commitments towards the global goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050, on the Swanston Street lawns of St Paul’s Cathedral in central Melbourne. 

The online version of the campaign was launched on 8 July at two congregational consultations: https://cathedral.org.au/climateaction/ 

“Congregational support for the initiative, and commitment to advocacy and action, is high” says Dean of Melbourne, Very Rev’d Dr Andreas Lowe. “I should be delighted for you to share details of our campaign through your networks, and help us in our call to immediate action” he says.

If each of us makes some simple changes it will make a difference. So here are a few ways in which we can all help. It is not an exhaustive list, and anyone who wishes to become more involved can join organisations or lobby businesses and government, but we hope that you will find these simple suggestions a useful place to start

Here’s how we are reducing our carbon footprint; 

How can you reduce yours?

4 x Ideas for reducing waste

  • Minimising printed materials
  • Recycling & avoiding single-use plastics
  • Cutting out harmful cleaning chemicals
  • Sourcing recycled & sustainable supplies

4 x Ideas for reducing emissions

  • Encouraging public transport use
  • No unnecessary heating or cooling
  • Energy-efficient lights and appliances
  • Divest from fossil fuels

St Paul’s Cathedral is proud to be an inaugural signatory of the TAKE2 pledge to reduce carbon footprints.

Making your voice heard is key to help save the planet. 

We must both take action and demand action be taken by governments to stop climate change.  

Here are some things you can do: St Paul's Cathedral Melbourne 

Self audit your energy use




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