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Monday, 01 June 2009 18:28


The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews

The NCCA is a founding partner in this dialogue on behalf of member churches. Our dialogue partners are:

The Dialogue was officially 'launched' in March 2003 after 12 months of formal preparation, which was preceded by informal contact and discussions between the NCCA, AFIC, & ECAJ.

Monday, 01 June 2009 18:19

About Safer Churches

Australian churches are responding to the challenge of providing safe church environments in which to carry out ministry programs. This challenge is reflected not only in preventing and responding to claims and cases of sexual misconduct in our Christian communities, but also in building knowledge at a local and congregational level. 

In response to this challenge many Christian denominations have established strategies aimed at accountability and transparency in relationships and programs. Significant resources have been put into the establishment of professional standards groups / boards to handle complaints of abuse, and implementation of programs to train employees and volunteer leaders in best practice for creating safer churches. 

The 'Safer Churches?' consultations and conferences (2014-2019) have encouraged openness between Churches. Being willing to ask for help from the family of Churches is an important step in allowing God to heal us and our communities and work towards reconciliation, wellbeing and wholeness.

2019 Conference

17 and 18 September 2019 at the Mecure Hotel Brisbane. 

This was the first conference held by the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) Safe Church Program since the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommendations were released in December 2017.

The theme for the conference, "Transforming Cultures: Listening, Reflecting, Acting"  provided the framework across the two-day event.

See the 9th biennial Safer Churches Conference presentation papers, videos and photo gallery here  

Previous Conferences


Monday, 01 June 2009 18:18

Stages on the Way

Documents from the Bilateral Conversations between Churches in Australia

edited by Raymond K.Williamson


Stages on the Way (published 1994) and Stages on the Way II (published 2007, covering the years 1994-2007) are collections of the agreed statements and reports from the bilateral conversations between Australian churches in recent times. They bear witness to the extraodinary amount of theological agreement which has been achieved and recognised through our ecumenical conversations.

Whilst there is much still to do, the content of these volumes present both an encouragement and a challenge to the churches to live out the degree of communion that is already experienced and the agreements already achieved. Stages on the Way II also includes an excellent glossary of ecumenical theological terminology which is valuable in its own right.

A great resource for ecumenists and students!

Both volumes are available from the NCCA (02 9229 2215)

$22 - Stages on the Way
$30 - Stages on the Way II

Monday, 01 June 2009 18:17

About Us

About Us
Monday, 01 June 2009 18:15


The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission (NATSIEC) was the peak ecumenical Indigenous body in Australia. It was a commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).  With NATSIEC’s guidance, the churches worked together for a fair deal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and for the healing of our nation. NATSIEC activities ceased in 2016.

Read the NATSIEC Mandate

Commission members of NATSIEC were all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the first peoples of this land and sea. They represented a cross-section of church-related Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups from the Anglican Church of Australia, the Churches of Christ, the Lutheran Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army and the Uniting Church in Australia.

We Are What We Are - Spirit People

We Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples believe that the Creator has always been with our people since the beginning of time. Our connection to this land Australia and the stories from long ago emphasise this and reveals to us our ongoing relationship to the Creator. We know that the Spirit is always close to us and within us. The Spirits of our ancestors are always around us looking out for us and showing us the path we should travel. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.

We have been given a gift to offer the rest of humanity; the importance of relationships. The Creator still has a strong relationship with us and helps us build stronger relationships with one another. These relationships also cover everything around us, for it is through the land, water and air that we are continually reminded of this. It is not just the symbol of the rainbow that reminds us about the covenant between the Creator and humanity. There are signs all around us that continually reminds us of the Covenant.

Our peoples are generous, caring and compassionate towards each other and other Australians. We have survived many negative things yet we still reach out our hand in reconciliation. This is the message of long ago from our roots and also the message through the Christian Bible. It has been the message passed down from generation to generation from parent to children since time began.

The Spirit lives on through us and we must continually foster this relationship through acts that remind us of this great truth. These acts are ceremonies, which help us to draw closer to our creator who has left the Spirit with us. Through them we retell and relive the great stories of our past.

Since the coming of the Western Culture, there has been a breakdown in our relationship with the Creator. Our ways have been under threat and this has led us to move away from our roots and into a foreign way of thinking. This has caused hardships within our communities as we struggle to find our way. Sometimes we have failed to recognise the Spirit present with us. We looked to the new culture to show us the way forward and it has led to more confusion and loss of direction. This culture has failed our people. It has shown it cannot satisfy our deepest yearnings.

This culture wanted us to look for the Creator through their eyes. They have failed to see that the Creator exists within our culture. While Abraham was wandering in the desert our peoples had been for many generations living in close relationship with our Creator. We have an Old Testament, which we can now accept as part of our salvation history.

How short sighted Western Culture was to think they had the monopoly on the Creator and how blinded were we to believe this was true. It is up to us to reclaim our beliefs. Our Creator yearns for us to come back. Our relationship has been tested and made stronger because of the many mistakes along the journey because we have learnt so much from the experience. We now know about Christ. This story from the Western Culture has touched and had an impact on our lives.

We did not have Jesus amongst us as the Apostles did but he left us the Spirit of the Creator with us. We know this Spirit to be the same Spirit who is with us now because of what it has done and continues to do. This Spirit of relationships reminds us about our responsibilities to one another and creation and that we all come from the same source of life. This Spirit is also the Spirit of the Rainbow Serpent, the Brolga, the Emu, the Stars, the Fish, the Plants, the mountains and much more. We must hold on to and strengthen our Spiritual heritage.

As a Minority we stand as the strength of this Land.
We affirm our belief in the Creator Spirit who created us.
It is in our connection to this deep sense of belonging that our Identity lives.
Our Culture can never be broken.
We embrace our past. We are alive in the present and have hope in the future.
The Creator Spirit calls us into a search for a deeper relationship with himself and each other.
The Creator Spirit calls us to renewal.

Statement by NATSIEC commissioners - 2003


Monday, 01 June 2009 17:55


You can give to the work of the NCCA in three different ways:

  • By credit card, over the phone. Call our freecall number on 1800 025 101.
  • By cheque. Please send a short cover letter, indicating which program you wish to donate to, with your cheque to: Locked Bag Q199, QVB NSW 1230.
    . . . .verisign_logo
  • Online. Just click on a link (below) to give via our secure site.


The NCCA works ecumenically for people in Australia and overseas.
Choose from one of the programs below. You will be contributing to the work of the Churches at home and in conflict areas overseas.

. . .


Martung Upah is the major fundraising appeal of the National Council of Churches in Australia for work with our First Nations. By giving to the Martung Upah appeal you are directly supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make their own decisions about development priorities.

Your gift makes an enormous difference to the work of the NCCA. It provides educational resources to the wider community; engages the Churches in Indigenous issues or funds important community development projects through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Development Fund. Build a better tomorrow for all our children so that injustice and discrimination will not be part of Australia's future.

About the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Development Fund

Find our more about the Martung Upah Appeal 

Click here to Give to the Martung Upah appeal

Act for Peace logo2016

The international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia. Act for Peace empowers war-torn communities to reduce poverty, protect refugees and prevent further conflicts.

To go to our secure GIVE page, please click on the relevant titles below.

For more information on these projects visit the Act for Peace website





General Secretariat

Through the General Secretariat you can give to:

  • General Ecumenical Work
  • Justice, Peace and Care for Creation
  • Faith & Unity Commission
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
  • Safe Church Program
  • Ronald Wilson Ecumenical Leadership Fund
  • Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Click here to Give to the NCCA General Secretariat



The EAPPI seeks to support local and international efforts to end the Israeli occupation and bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a just peace, based on international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. (View more information .)

With your help Ecumenical Accompaniers (EAs) are selected, trained and supported as they volunteer time and skills to assist the Palestinian and Israeli peoples.

Click here to GIVE to the EAPPI .

Friday, 22 May 2009 15:44

Faith & Unity

The Commission engages with the theological work of the wider Church, both to learn and to contribute. It does so with explicit awareness of and regard to its Australian context, in particular its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, multi-cultural experience, and the current setting of its churches in a post-Christendom, multi-faith and secular environment within the Asia-Pacific region.

Click here to read our Mandate.

Issues and Documents

The Commissioners


Upcoming Events

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2025

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international Christian ecumenical observance kept annually between Ascension and Pentecost in the Southern Hemisphere and between 18-25 January in the Northern Hemisphere.

The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2025:

“Do you believe this?” (John 11:26).

The 2025 prayers and reflections for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity were prepared by the brothers and sisters of the monastic community of Bose in northern Italy. 

For more information on the theme and the northern hemisphere resources please visit the WCC website 

2025 - 1700th Anniversary, Christian Ecumenical Council Nicaea

2025 marks the 1,700th anniversary of the first Christian Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea, near Constantinople in 325 AD. This commemoration provides a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians, as expressed in the creed formulated during this council.

World Day of Prayer 2025

Date: 7 March 2025

Host country: Cook Islands 

Theme: “I Made You Wonderful”  (Psalm 139:14)

For resources, event details please use the links below:


Casino_banner_printThe inaugural Christ and Culture Conference was held at Noosa in July 2007.

The conference was an initiative that we had longed to do for some time and we were excited that it was such an outstanding success. We had ninety participants, the majority of whom were Indigenous, from all around the country and who were representative of many different denominations. We also had participation by other Indigenous peoples, Maoris, a Sami and a Dalit.  We were particularly pleased that we had eleven teenagers who accompanied their parents, but who also participated fully in the conference program.

Participants found the conference to be a particularly enriching and invigorating few days. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive with participants feeling empowered, challenged, inspired to action and who are returning to their communities with many new ideas taking shape.

There were fifteen workshops centred on the conference themes which were:

  • Our Life in Ministry - what is it to be Indigenous and Church?  What does inculturation and the Churches mean for us in our faith journey?  How do we minister to fellow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in specific locations?
  • Search for Meaning - Indigenous culture and how it relates to the bible. Who is this person Jesus through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander eyes?
  • Justice and the Gospel - Jesus came to bring good news to the poor and set the captives free; in our Australian context how does the gospel speak to us of Justice?
  • Covenanting - God calls us to be one, what does this mean for the Churches today in Australia and how can we make this commitment to one another.

Following is snapshot of some of the themes and outcomes that arose from the conference:

  • Relationship and family was a very strong theme, this came through in many of the workshops, the importance of family and of guiding the youth. Many of the families presented together and it was felt that it was a strength of the conference to have the different generations participating together. It was also felt that there was a greater need to support the women, encourage the men to participate more, and to provide opportunities to the youth to participate and develop more fully.
  • The use of story was a powerful component of many workshops and there was much discussion about the need to use stories about the things around us, to help us explain God and to let our stories be our theology. Several presenters shared their own stories, which showed their struggles, courage and initiative to overcome various hardships and to explain how they explored and experienced their relationship to God and their churches.
  • Throughout the conference we were reminded that we shouldn't get "hung up" on a White interpretation of Christ; that we need to trust in our own interpretations as we know that God was here before colonization. We need to be freer with our celebrations.
  • Culture and language was also affirmed to be vitally important, particularly in the area of weaving gospel and culture together. It was particularly uplifting to hear from those who minister in their own language and to know that they have been able to develop Indigenous language resources to support their ministry.
  • Participants also expressed some challenges which they thought the 'mainstream' Churches need to engage with:
    • That mainstream church needs to learn more about Aboriginal and TSI life which can be used to show Jesus.
    • That Christian and Aboriginal religion can mix, but there still needs to be a rethink about the old mission style of ministering.
    • Also expressed was the view that Indigenous peoples are not listened to and they need to be more actively encouraged and supported to take a stronger lead within their churches.
    • Several people would have liked there to be more Heads of Churches attending the conference.
    • A particular recommendation was for the churches to develop schools programs to provide Indigenous youth with free schooling in the Church education systems.
    • Other recommendations that arose were to convene a women's cultural camp and a request to develop a collection of Aboriginal women's stories linking to scripture and social change.
    • Overall better training and formation is required.

The youth also had the opportunity to present at the conference and as part of their presentation they put forward a list of recommendations to the conference:

  1. All the youth agreed that they needed more travelling opportunities. To have youth camps where the youth from all over, and from different denominations, can meet and learn more about Christ and to share in our stories.
  2. The youth would like to ask Churches to make Church more user friendly and to accommodate people of all ages.
  3. The youth also asked that the ministers interact with everyone, so that they get a better understanding of the word of the Lord.

This conference was a huge success with all participants expressing a desire to attend another and to make it a regular event.

Artwork by Casino Public School.

Funding human development is a tangible expression of the Churches’ support for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples to develop their communities and their participation in the wider Australian and international communities.

The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Development Fund (ATSIDF), of the National Council of Churches in Australia, is a tax deductible fund set up to assist Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples by giving small, usually one-off grants for community development projects. The projects are funded through the NATSIEC annual Martung Upah Appeal.

How to Apply

Applications must be made on the appropriate form. Please read the guidelines before making your submission. Please note that grants over $5,000, or for recurrent funding, will not be considered. If you have any questions please contact NCCA on (02) 9299 2215  prior to submitting your application.

Download Application form 

document ATSIDF Application rev21 (348 KB)  (doc)

pdf ATSIDF Application rev21 (200 KB)  (pdf)

Download ATSIDF Guidelines

document ATSIDF Guidelines rev21 (185 KB)  (doc)

pdf ATSIDF Guidelines rev21 (262 KB)  (pdf)

Closing Dates for Funding Applications

Applications are received from July to March each year. 

Applications for the financial year ending 30 June 2025:

  • round 1 -  closed (Monday - 5 August 2024)  
  • round 2 - closed (Monday - 21 October 2024)
  • round 3 - Monday 24 March 2025

Applications are generally not received and assessed between 30 April and 30 June each year. However, we always welcome enquiries.

For information on the next assessment date please call 02 9299 2215 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Projects Funded in 2024

University of Divinity - Tribal Voices 2024 Conference Sponsorship $5000


Taize-Awabakal Reconciliation Chant composition $4200


Dr Anne Pattel-Gray - to support costs to attend  WCC Commission for World Mission and Evangelisation meeting in Nairobi $5000


Projects Funded in 2023 

Churches Together SA and Uniting Church SA - A Theological & Biblical Approach to the Uluru Statement from the Heart Project $5000


The University of Divinity - 2023 Uluru Statement from the Heart Events $5000


St Oswald’s Anglican Church, Glen Iris VIC - First Nations Family Day during NAIDOC Week 2023 $5000


The University of Divinity - Raising our Tribal Voice Conference  $5000 

School of Indigenous Studies - to contribute to the cost of flights, accommodation and meals for Indigenous theologians to enable their attendance at the Conference. 


Projects Funded in 2022

Melbourne Anglican Cultural Organisation - St Oswald's Woiwurrung Language Project $5000


 Projects Funded in 2021

St Oswald's School and Parish - Aboriginal Awareness and Education Project $5000

Empower To Teach  website.

Resources to support teachers in Indigenous culture and history education.


UAICC SA - Uniting Aboriginal & Islander Christian Congress - Vison, History and Theology of the UAICC $5000


Surrender Co - Indigenous Leadership Development - Christian Coaching with Young Emerging Leaders $3,467    


 Projects Funded in 2020

SNAICC Conference attendance - Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation $4,000

Two Elders and two young Aboriginal members of Baabayn attended the SNAICC Conference, Adelaide in September 2019.

The vision of the Conference was to empower communities to determine their own future where the rights of children, young people and families are protected.

"I am really excited to bring the information and skills that I learnt to implement in my own community at Mount Druitt at Baabayn." Jade

"The workshops were great and its good to see that our people are working very hard all over the country in their communities and remote areas and to see our young people taking on leadership roles.  These are our leaders of tomorrow and into the future." Jenny  


Developing Active Leaders - Bluearth Foundation $5,000

Bluearth Foundation ran a 10 week before school Active Leaders program for 40 students in Alice Springs, Northern Territory. The program aimed to address the need to incorporate more physical activity for students while at school. 

71% of school visits by Blue Earth have resulted in above average school attendance of indigenous students.


Breaking Silent Codes- Dixie Link Gordon and Belinda Mason $2,500

A group of First Nation women shared their journey out of violence to empowerment.

In March 2020 a group of Indigenous women from Australia, New Zealand, PNG and Pacific Islands travelled to the UN 64 CSW in New York to share knowledge on solutions for First Nations peoples in relation to the topic of sexual assault and family violence. They were able to share their collective wisdom with US Indigenous women, at a forum held at the New York Baha'i Centre. They met with key organisations such as Barrier Free Living and representatives of Australian NGO's. 

NCCA Safe Church Program - Safer Churches 9 Conference $5,177

Funding aided four Indigenous Member Church representatives to attend and participate in the Conference held at the Mercure Hotel in Brisbane, QLD on 17-18 September 2019. 

Projects Funded in 2019

January 26 Prayer Service - Common Grace 

Bringing Christians together in prayer and education about the true history of this country.

January 26th Prayer and Lament Services were led by Aunty Jean Phillips and Brooke Prentis and were hosted in 17 churches across the country with over 2000 people in attendance nationally. Other churches were encouraged to participate using liturgical resources. 100 churches signed up to mark Aboriginal Sunday in their own services.

Funding enabled Common Grace to approach the services with resources so that Aboriginal Christian leaders could attend every event, making connections with local leaders and congregations, and leading the reflections and teaching times. 

Read the review by Brook Prenitis



Healing on Country -  Gimwuy Gallery $4,000

This project was a five day intensive week of art and Traditional Aboriginal healing practices.

Three artists, Indigenous and one non-Indigenous, from Cairns travelled to remote Bloomfield River and community of Wujal Wujal, located north of Cairns, and spent five nights camping. They met with artists from Wujal Wujal Art Centre (Bana Yirriji), and spent the days together, travelling by 4WD to a different location each day. They were directed by Traditional owners who gave permission to be on their country and set up camp for the day.​

  2019 7 5 Karen Hannah      Karen first finished basked   

"I felt a connection to people and Country that has now opened me up to explore future possibilities to learn more about my Aboriginal culture and to develop ongoing relationships with the women and the community." Karen (left)

 2019 7 5 Vikki Burrows Hannas visit 
2019 7 5 Vikki Burrows Hannas visit2 2019 7 5 Vikki Burrows Hannas visit3 2019 7 5 Vikki Burrows Hannas visit5

The group collected grass for weaving, built fire and cooked lunch, practiced guided meditation and smoking ceremony, did watercolour painting and went fishing. In this way they shared traditional knowledge and experienced opportunities for language learning and relationship building. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge was shared this way and proved beneficial in deepening the healing experience.

"Being together for the first time, and out on country with traditional owners was a powerful experience realising the importance of relationship to each other, to country, and the deep respect that evokes. For Traditional Owners to have the opportunity to take people out on country and share cultural knowledge, and spend time there themselves is an important opportunity. For visitors to their country it is an education and privilege."

Kuku Yalanji Elders Empowerment - Mossman Gorge Community Church $4,500

MGC 5Kuku Yalanji Elders Empowerment Project was a community Church Based project and culturally significant exchange that bought elders and families together for a series of workshops with the Youth and Children of the Mossman Community. The age group ranged from – Children age 5-18, Parents, guardian’s, community members & Elders

Elders from the Mossman HAAC Group, Elders Justice Group and the Mossman Gorge Prayer group all participated and attended regular sessions on a voluntary basis, working together with the younger participant’s on the following sessions:

  1. Photo Frame Bible Verse design & Scrapbooking
  2.     MGC 4       MGC 3
     MGC 6 children MGC 1
    MGC lunch gathering MGC 2
    Calendar Scrapbooking
  3. Pot Plant making & Bible verse labels
  4. Balloon Stress Ball
  5. Glucose – Diabetes Energy Pack
  6. Glass Vase Decorated Lamp
  7. Pamper Pack – Toiletries
  8. Driftwood Hanging Piece
  9. Church Flower Ensemble’s & Decorations
  10. Bible verses on Scrolls
  11. Traditional Aboriginal Dance & Culture
  12. Arts/Craft Crosses – Wall Hangings
  13. Threading
  14. Decorated candle bottles
  15. Language Songs
  16. Easter Celebration of painting the Cross

Workshops focussed on students between 4 -7 years of age. Suppporting schools and early childhood settings to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. Creating a culture of respect and teaching children that violence in the home is "not OK" will be the key focus of these workshops.

Healthy Respectful Relationships - Cape York Gulf RAATSICC $4,000

HRR emotions pic

This project aimed to teach children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. Educating young children in how to understand their emotions of their family, friends and strangers. It focussed on how to build personal strengths, positive coping, problem solving, stress management and positive gender relationships.

The Healthy Respectful Relationships Workshop was delivered to children in the age group 4-7 years at two schools, Mossman State Primary School Prep Classes and Gordonvale State School Year 1 classes. The workshop focused on both Indigenous and non Indigenous students to promote and model respectful, positive attitudes and behaviours.

All the students participated and became involved in sharing their stories when they have felt sad, angry, scared and happy. 

  HRR 1    HRR 2    HRR 3   


Projects Funded in 2018

Data Projectors and screens for classrooms - Nungalinya College $ 5,000

Nungalinya College is a Combined Churches Training College for Indigenous Australians. The College is situated in Casuarina, a northern suburb of Darwin. The College runs a course in literacy and numeracy called Foundation Studies. The Bible is used to teach literacy and focus on understanding, and money is used as the medium for teaching numeracy. 

Teachers identified that data projectors and screens would be helpful aids in teaching these classes as good visual images make the classes more interactive and allow for better learning. Teachers are able to project the student workbooks on the whiteboard and fill them in as the students do. They can also project film materials and powerpoint presentations. 

 Nungalinya 2018.1  Nungalinya 2018.2

Assistant teacher Justine filling in the workbook.  

The advanced class using PowerPoint to assist teaching. 

Emerging and Established Indigenous Leaders' project, Melbourne 2018 - Surrender Australia $5,000

SURRENDER:18 Melbourne Conference was held in March 2018. The Leadership Engagement Project facilitated the participation and involvement of Indigenous leaders from around Australia. In attendance were 100 indigenous Christian leaders ranging in age from 16-80 years old from NT, NSW, WA, QLD, SA and VIC. SURRENDER18 Melbourne Conference provided a voice for Indigenous leaders through Yarning Circle workshops, Indigenous Dinner, Indigenous Night, & Display Stands.
SURRENDER has developed a strong network of Indigenous Christian elders and leaders who have advisory, design and planning input into the conference including the management of the Indigenous Bursaries.

  • ‘open source’ sharing of relationships and learnings
  • non western and marginalised world view theologies
  • Indigenous community participation
  • empowerment of Indigenous leaders
  • opportunities to demonstrate honour and respect for Indigenous peoples
  • long term engagement
  • listening and learning from marginalised voices

THE SURRENDER18 Conference provided a space for the wider SURRENDER community and church to increase their awareness of issues facing Indigenous ministries and their communities, and opportunities for partnership with churches and Indigenous ministries.

Photos from Surrender Melbourne 2018 

Surrender 201.1x350

Surrender 201.3

 Surrender 201.4x350  Surrender 201.2x350

Projects Funded in 2017

Kurdiji 1.0, Lajamanu community suicide prevention app - Kurdiji 1.0 project (with the Black Dog Institute) - $5,000

When a young man committed suicide in 2005, in the remote Australian community of Lajamanu, local Warlpiri elders said ‘Enough is enough’. Decades of western medical intervention had failed to stop indigenous suicides and, in 2005, Lajamanu’s elders took matters into their own hands. The Milpirri festival was established that year to spread the traditional ideas of ‘Kurdiji’ among their young people and to foster a sense of belonging. They began to fight for every single young indigenous life in their community.

The same elders want to bring Kurdiji into the digital age, with a community created app based on stories, ceremonies and law. They want to fight for all aboriginal lives, not just those in remote or traditional communities. They have partnered with an expert team including technologists, photographers and a leading clinical psychologist from The Black Dog Institute.

Kurdiji gx250

Three aboriginal people take their own lives every week in Australia, and suicide is the leading cause of death for young indigenous people. Young aboriginal people are now four times more likely to take their own life than their non-indigenous peers, and the suicide rate for young indigenous men is the highest in the world. There hasn’t been a suicide in Lajamanu since 2005.

The ideas of Kurdiji belong to a Warlpiri initiation ceremony of the same name. For most of Aboriginal history, these ideas were only accessible through Kurdiji ceremony or directly from elders in community. Warlpiri people are changing their laws, giving wide public access to these ideas for the purpose of saving lives. The creation of the Kurdiji 1.0 app represents a turning point in Aboriginal Australia and, we hope, will result in similar projects being launched in the future.

Using 3D visualisation of ceremony and dance, audio recordings, video and text, Kurdiji 1.0 will provide some of the cultural nourishment provided by initiation in community. The app will reach out to young people who can’t live on country, or who feel cut off or isolated. By reconnecting people with language, skin name, ceremony and law, this app will increase resilience by creating a sense of belonging. 

Media Centre Acoustic carpeting - Nungalinya College $5,000

The College has a media production centre on site where daily chapel services are held along with Certification II in Music and Certificate II in Media and Discipleship courses. The acoustics in the building had significant problems. Carpeting the chapel and classroom reduced the echo and provided a better environment for recording.
group small    Nungalinya 17 singing
The Media and Music programmes are a vital way to engage younger Indigenous Christians and encourage them to study.  

Indigenous Leadership Engagement - Surrender Australia $5,000 

The SURRENDER:17 Melbourne conference saw over 80 Indigenous Christians from Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. The Welcome to Country led by Wurundjeri Elder Aunty Di Kerr continued to be a significant space within the conference, gathering with people responding to the welcome from a multitude of different cultures. Workshops and the Indigenous themed Bible Study were well attended and received very positive feedback and a high level of interaction.

Indigenous and non-indigenous people affirm just how important the SURRENDER gathering is in orienting their hearts and minds to the issues of justice, healing and restoration that God desires for our land. Through learnings and journey alongside Indigenous Australians, the SURRENDER team not only facilitate content specific to these issues but also seek to model values in event design and hosting that reflect the God inspired aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.

  Surrender 17.1  Surrender 17.4     Surrender 17.2      Surrender 17.3 

Projects Funded in 2016

Dareton Youth & Community Centre - Indigenous Ministries Australia, Global Mission Partners $5,000

Indigenous Ministries Australia was established by Global Mission Partners in 2013. It seeks to partner with and among Australia Indigenous people, focusing on Indigenous ministry and development. 

The Dareton Youth & Community Centre (DY&CC) is a safe space for Indigenous youth living in and around the Sunraysia town of Dareton in NSW, just over the Murray River from Mildura. It is the only centre of its kind in Dareton, a town with a population of approximately 700 people, almost half of which are Indigenous. Around 16% of the population is aged between 10 and 19 years of age. The wider Sunraysia region has many more Indigenous families and youth who frequent the Dareton township and facilities.

The DY&CC benefits Indigenous youth from Dareton and the wider Sunraysia district including the old Namatjira mission and Indigenous families and elders living in and around Dareton. The Centre provides a physical, spiritual, emotional and cultural safe space for local and Indigenous youth to do basic training, receive relational counselling and experience holistic transformation in a fun and engaging environment based on Christian values.

Local Indigenous leaders and elders participate in the management of committee of the DY&CC. 

Classroom furniture - Nungalinya College $3,330

Nungalinya College offers a range of different courses from Certificate I to Certificate IV. With the increase in student numbers it became necessary to furnish the classrooms with more desks and chairs. t once. The increase was a direct result of the decision to offer the Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology, which has a strong focus on training leaders for the churches and the community.

Nungalinya College seeks to empower indigenous Christians from remote communities through education. Many students have very low levels of literacy and numeracy and have few prospects for work or further education. The College works closely with the churches in communities and all students are referred from their church.

Indigenous Leadership Engagement - Surrender Australia $5,000

Surrender’s Indigenous Leadership Engagement project runs through and in conjunction with a once a year large scale gathering, single night events, mentoring schemes, internships and other multiple day conference forums throughout the year in various states around Australia. The project strengthens Indigenous Christian leadership through the opportunity for networking and partnership as well as theological and practical teaching. It has led to increased awareness of issues facing indigenous ministry, wider community and opportunities to partner and support emerging leaders and ministries in this area.

Projects Funded in 2011

'Concerned Australians' - Gathering of Aboriginal Elders in Darwin $ 5,000

In May 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay visited Australia. While here she attended a significant meeting where around 40 Elders and Community leaders from all over the Northern Territory told her about their experiences under the NT Intervention. NATSIEC donated the money to 'concerned Australians' whose lobbying and advocacy were significant in ensuring this meeting with Navi Pillay happened. The money was used to top up monies for some flights, paid for others, contributed to fuel money for those able to drive and covered the costs of lunch before the meeting. Michele Harris, on behalf of 'concerned Australians' said that without NATSIEC's financial support much of this would have been impossible. The meeting was especially valuable, not only because of the Commissioner's presence but also because there was an awareness of the number of strong and powerful voices from across the Territory. Bob Randall said " it was an amazing meeting and gathering of family".

Projects Funded in 2010

Our Generation Film project - $10,000

Our Generation is a documentary film made by Damien Curtis and Sinem Saban in conjunction with the Yolngu of Elcho Island. The film documents the story of the Yolngu people in relation to the Northern Territory Intervention. As Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra says of the film:

"It's a very important story, finally a platform for the Yolngu to tell their deep concerns and aspirations for the future to mainstream Australia. To bring justice and peace to the downtrodden".

This grant particularly supported its release on the East Coast of Australia where large scale screenings and discussions were held in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane.

The film is an important documentary and NATSIEC urges people to buy the DVD and to show it to their communities, their friends, their colleagues, where ever possible. The film can be purchased direct from the film makers at www.ourgeneration.org.au

Canonisation of Mary MacKillop - $6,000

NATSIEC supported five Catholic Aboriginal women to attend the Canonisation of Mary Mackillop in Rome. While they were in Rome the women also visited Aboriginal artifacts held in the Vatican museum. Also, they were part of a group which located the grave of an Aboriginal man from New Norcia who had been taken to Rome and who died there. They held a ceremony and paid their respects at his graveside.

Projects Funded in 2009

Teen Challenge Centralia - Champions Wild Camp - $5,000

The camp is an adventure based program for up to 12 troubled Indigenous youth from Alice Springs. This camp will help young people break the cycle of failure, substance abuse and crime resulting in jail or detention centres.

The Coloured Digger Project - Redfern $5,000

The Coloured Digger Project organises commemorative services in Redfern on ANZAC day. The aim of the project is to raise public awareness about the often largely ignored service and sacrifices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicemen and servicewomen and their families. Highlight the need for greater recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Servicemen and Servicewomen and to allow the community to come together to give recognition to all those who courageously served their country.

Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Arts Fair - $5,000

An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Arts Project which will culminate in a public community arts fair hosted by NACI Tandanya. The Community Arts fair will support and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists in the community. The fair will also coincide with Tandanya's 20th anniversary celebrations.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Melbourne - Footprints Gathering - $5,000

To gather Aboriginal Catholics living in Victoria together to discuss issues of inculturation, education, employment and training in theology within Aboriginal Ministry. The gathering will reflect on past achievements, today and the way forward.

Projects 2008
Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc. - The Spirit Festival - $5,000

The Spirit Festival is a vibrant celebration of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal culture, music, art and dance and also featured football, netball, little athletics, a 3-on-3 basketball competition and par 3 golf competition. It was a unique opportunity for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to connect have fun and celebrate Aboriginal People and Culture.

St Alban's Youth Ministry (Yarrabah) - Trail of Hope: "The Journey" Youth Gathering $3500

This is the 4th conference of this nature and has grown in size and impact each time. This Christian gathering of Native, Indigenous and Aboriginal youth is filled with challenging messages, resourceful sessions, and lots of Christ centred messages through sports and other activities. It is designed to be part of a comprehensive strategy to establish much needed youth ministries among Indigenous youth. St Alban's youth ministry have been invited to be a part of this important gathering, and partner with the organisers to teach and resource Indigenous youth and leaders. The participants are funding their own air fares to attend this gathering. NATSIEC has provided funding to cover the cost of the registration fee for 13 participants.

Central Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Agency (Rockhampton) Indigenous Youth Musical Development and Outreach Project - $5635

This project is about assisting Indigenous youth to both develop musical and performance skills. It is believed that through this the Youth will be able to develop better self-esteem and self concept, they will be able to express themselves and in doing so create a greater awareness of the issues they confront in today's society. Many youth will find alternatives to the social pressures to reach for drugs and alcohol to "fit in" in with the crowd. By enabling them to make the decisions about the direction they want to take during this project they will be better able to make decisions about the rest of their lives and the relationships they have with others. NATSIEC funded the purchase of musical instruments.

United Congress Funerals Portable PA System - $3156

NATSIEC funded the purchase of a replacement PA system which is used by United Congress Funerals, an Aboriginal non-profit organisation providing funeral services. The PA will not only be used for funerals, but also for other community activities.

UKpre-Lambeth Speaking Tour - $5,000

In July 2008 Aboriginal Bishop James Leftwich and Torres Strait Islander Bishop Saibo Mabo attended the Lambeth Conference in England. To take advantage of their presence in Europe NATSIEC organised a pre-Lambeth speaking tour. The Bishops spoke to several groups and parishes including the Churches Together in England and the World Council of Churches in Geneva. The aim of the tour was to promote solidarity and networking to assist in our advocacy and education work.

Funded in 2007

Inala Aboriginal Community Church – Durrak Qld - $5,800 for Youth Project

Skills development, education, and culture. Through planned and facilitated activities such as Aboriginal art, music lessons, singing, cooking lessons and health discussions, we aim to develop greater outcomes in the lives of our Indigenous young people. The project aims to provide intervention and alternatives for young people to participate in activities in a safe environment, social skills, health and cultural awareness to utilise in the church and community.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry – Melbourne - $5,000 for distribution of A River Dreaming by Betty Pike

The funding helps the publication and distribution of a book A River Dreaming by Elizabeth Pike, Elder. The book presents the story of Betty’s finding of and growth in understanding herself as an Aboriginal person of mixed background and tells this through a re-telling and extensions of the story of the creation of the Platypus. The proceeds of the book will be donated by the author to support the Opening the Doors Foundation: Keeping Koori Kids in Education.

Jubal Aboriginal Corporation - $13,000 for kitchen equipment

Jubal is an Aboriginal owned and run place of retreat in Northern NSW. Jubal runs projects such as Youth holiday camps which are cultural and diversionary programs for Aboriginal youth. They also host other groups to run programs. Jubal has built a kitchen block but needed funding to equip it. Often the groups have more than 100 children and adults attending a five day camp, so it was essential to be able to provide proper meals. NATSIEC was able to fund a fridge and other essential equipment to enable Jubal to provide catering services to its groups. NATSIEC is also working closely with Jubal to develop a women’s project focusing on catering and in the future a café.

Cross Roads Training Ministry - $5,000 for Indigenous Community Leadership Training

This training program involves allowing Indigenous people to develop their skills with an holistic Indigenous Christian Perspective, it helps educate people about community development and culture. The focus is on developing individuals as leaders with skills in community development. The course also uses material from Nungalyina College which it is hoped will provide encouragement for students to take on more formal education.

Centacare Catholic Community Services - $6,235 – Alive and Well Project

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can access the Centacare Alive and Well project. The project aims to empower young people through on-going case work and support. The project focuses on skills development, culture and community development. Centacare provide a range of activities that engage young people in a learning and fun way. This approach builds rapport and trust which helps build upon the young people’s skills individually and within a group setting. It aims to prevent isolation, build friendships, break down barriers, build upon leadership and assist young people to gain a better understanding of their own culture.

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