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Tuesday, 01 December 2020 16:10

Pacific Open Letter To PM Scott Morrison

Support from Australian Political And Religious Leaders

Political and religious leaders in Australia have come out in strong support of today’s Open Letter from fifteen Pacific leaders to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, asking him to take urgent climate action ahead of the United Nations (UN) Climate Ambition Summit on 12 December 2020.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020 13:22

NCCA Annual Review 2019-2020

At the Annual General Meeting on 28 October 2020, The General Secretary, Ms Liz Stone, presented an Annual Review for 2019-2020 relating to the activities and programs of the National Council of Churches in Australia. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2020 15:50

Resources for Youth Summit


20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17: 20-23 (NIV) 

Ecumenical Christian Youth Summit 2018  

The Christian Youth Summit in 2018 in Brisbane was to hear the voice of young people as they considered what meaningful Christian Church collaboration looked like in the modern world. 

It was a unique ecumenical initiative that was inspired by the Catholic and Lutheran Churches joint commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and a desire to celebrate their shared mission within the Kingdom of God. The organising team wanted to look forward and consider what the future might hold for the Churches’ shared mission. It was decided that a Christian Youth Summit should be organised so that the Queensland Heads of Churches could hear the voice of young people and particularly their views on the future of shared Christian mission in Queensland. Teresa McGrath, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, and Aaron Glover, Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District, were commissioned to coordinate and lead this initiative. 

The Goals of The Christian Youth Summit 2018 were:

  • To provide a space for young adults to learn more about ecumenism.
  • To create a space where young adults from various denominations can come together to build relationship with each other.
  • To give young adults a positive experience of Christian denominations working together. 

Ecumenical Program Resources

The NCCA granted funds to a Queensland Churches Together group to produce resources that were accessible to all churches.  

Purpose of this resource

To equip you with all the tools you need to run a successful local Christian Youth Summit experience.

This resource is meant to allow for flexibility according to the needs of each local community. 

It is hoped that this resource will support local communities to host Christian Youth Summits of their own, adapting the content in the resource to make a meaningful experience happen locally. 

Who is this resource for? 

  • Those who wish to organise a local Christian Youth Summit experience.
  • Those looking for examples of ecumenical content and activities to engage young adults in ecumenical dialogue.  

Please find the links to download these resource below:

Facilitator’s Guide 

pdf Facilitators Handbook 2 0 Final (805 KB)


video 001 Ecumenism Program (1.18 GB)

What is Ecumenism and why does it matter?

Dr Antonia Pizzey

Lecturer, Australian Catholic University 


video 002 Ecumenism Program (958.07 MB)

What has been achieved? What is there still to be accomplished?

Dr Antonia Pizzey

Lecturer, Australian Catholic University


video 003 Ecumenism Program (1.16 GB)

What challenges face us in working towards Christian unity today?

Dr Antonia Pizzey

Lecturer, Australian Catholic University


video 004 Ecumenism Program (786.96 MB)

What is Theological Ecumenism?

Chris Knott

QLD Baptist Representative, Christian Youth Summit 2018


video 005 Ecumenism Program (587.48 MB)

What is Practical Ecumenism?

Jessica McCorriston

Salvation Army Representative, Christian Youth Summit 2018


video 006 Ecumenism Program (1.02 GB)

What is Spiritual Ecumenism?

Benjamin Lyons

Lutheran Church Representative, Christian Youth Summit 2018


video 007 Ecumenism Program (1016.83 MB)

How can we best go about realising Christian Unity today?

Dr Antonia Pizzey

Lecturer, Australian Catholic University


  video AGM 2020 Panel (854.78 MB)

Panel presentation made at NCCA AGM 28 October 2020 by 

  • Aaron Glover, Director, Lutheran Youth of QLD
  • Christopher Knott, QLD Baptist
  • Melissa Ledwich, Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Youth Evangelisation Office

The panel were part of a Queensland Churches Together group that organised the 2018 Youth Summit.




Wednesday, 18 November 2020 17:32

Our Churches - Advent Resources 2020

O come, O come, Emmanuel!

As we prepare for the Feast of the Nativity and all our Christmas celebrations, we offer you some reflections and resources from our members and their networks.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020 18:01

ATSI Development Fund

Applications closing soon

The NCCA invite applications for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Development Fund (ATSIDF). The fund is set up to assist Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples by giving small grants for community development projects.

Applications due: Friday 16 October 2020

Thursday, 20 August 2020 09:26


Australians raised their voices on 19 August

The 19 August was World Humanitarian Day and to mark this Australians were asked to 'mask up' and post on social media in support of Micah Australia's #End COVIDForAll campaign 

As an Ambassador of the campaign, NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins posted video of a prayer. 

Wednesday, 05 August 2020 12:22

Earth Overshoot day 2020

Bells toll for the future of the Earth

Saturday 22 August marks the day that we have collectively used up the Earth’s resources for the remainder of this year. Across Australia, Churches are invited to come together to toll their bells and hold prayer services to mark Earth Overshoot Day.

Friday, 31 July 2020 11:57

Media Release


ACRT Media Release


20 July 2020


Churches Taskforce seeks assurances to reduce detention health risks

In an urgent letter to the Acting Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly and the Minister for Health, Mr Greg Hunt, the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) has sought urgent assurances from the responsible government public health authorities that the people at detention centres have safe accommodation during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

The NCCA  and the ACRT released a combined Media Statement on Monday 20 July appealing for guaranteed access to COVID-19 testing when any symptoms are present in immigration detention centres and an assurance that people moving in and out of these locations in a staff role are both trained and monitored with regard to the highest standards of infection control and prevention. 

Mr Rob Floyd, Chair of the Australian Churches’ Taskforce said that “With the recent infections of staff assigned to the Mantra Hotel at Preston in Melbourne’s COVID 19 lockdown area, and Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney, we believe that the public health risks mean that those moving freely in and out of these centres pose the highest public health risk at this time.”








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Thursday, 23 July 2020 14:00

#No ChildLeftBehind Campaign

Add your Name!

The Refugee Council of Australia are collecting signatures in support of expanding access to Medicare, the PBS and JobSeeker for children and families seeking asylum.


Thursday, 23 July 2020 13:59

Mental Health Webinar


The Mental Health Foundation Australia invites you to the October Educational Webinar "Youth Mental Health Matters".

With rising rates of mental health issues in young Australians, it's more than important to have a discussion about Youth Mental Health.  

When: 7th October 2020 1:00 PM AEST 

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