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Noelene Osora

Noelene Osora

Thursday, 27 June 2024 16:51

2024 Forum Photos


NCCA 11th National Forum 

Messages of Hope in a complex world

At the U-City Function room in Adelaide CBD, approximately 55 people from 12 member churches and 4 state ecumenical bodies gathered for the 2024 Forum. Through prayer, reflection, discussion and discernment, they provided valuable information that will form the basis for the activities and issues of focos for of the NCCA over the coming years.

‘Let us hold on unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’


Friday 21st June

  • Welcome 
  • Opening prayer - NCCA
  • President's reflection
  • General Secretary's overview & NCCA Pilgrimage since 1994
  • Welcome Dinner 
  • 30th Anniversary Ecumenical Service - Pilgrim Uniting Church

Table group, prayer and introductions - U-City Function Rooms, Adelaide

30th Anniversary Ecumenical Service, Pilgrim Uniting Church 


 Above: Church Leaders stand for the Declaration of Intent, Pilgrim Uniting Church 

Saturday 22nd June

  • Morning prayer led by Catholic delegates 
  • Bible study, reflection with Guest, Prof Anne Pattel-Gray
  • Keynote Address: Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches
  • Reporting session 1: 
    • Strategic Roadmap and Safe Church Program - Ms Liz Stone, NCCA General Secretary
    • Finance Overview - Geoff Officer, Treasurer
    • Faith and Unity Commission - Fr Gerard Kelly, Chair
  • Reporting session 2:
    • Indigenous Ecumenical Network - Prof Anne Pattel-Gray
    • ACRT - Rev. Sandy Boyce, Co-Chair
    • Act for Peace - Elijah Buol, CEO
    • ACET - received.
  • 1st Prayer and Reflection session - Anna Phan, Resolve
    • survey results
    • Purpose, Values
    • Table Talk
  • Closing prayer led by Quaker delegates 
Above left: Morning prayer- Bishop Homeming Above right: Bible study, Prof Anne Pattel-Gray
Above: Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches, delivers his Keynote Address 
Ms Liz Stone, NCCA General Secretary, NCCA reports Rev Dr Helen Richardson relates her EAPPI experience
Prayer and Reflection session - Anna Phan, Resolve (left) and group work (right)

Sunday 23rd June

  • Morning free to attend local churches or
  • Rev Jerry Pillay, guest preacher, St Peter's Anglican Cathedral, Choral Eucharist
  • Lunch
  • 2nd Dialogue and discernment session - Anna Phan, Resolve
    • NCCA Purpose Pillars 
  • Buffet Dinner
  • Evening Prayers
    • Orthodox Pentecost Vespers - Fr Abanoub and Bishop Bartholomew
 Rev Jerry Pillay, St Peter's Anglican Cathedral  Uncle John Lochowiak, Welcoming us to Kaurna Country Acknowledging the birthday of Rev Pillay
Rev Pillay joined by (L) Rev Mark Kickett, UAICC, (R) Bishop Mar Stephanos, Mar Thoma Church, and (Back) Mr John Lochowiak, NATSICC Sunday delegates gather for a group photo

Monday 24th June

  • Morning prayer led by Salvation Army delegates
  • Bible Study/Reflection - Rev Jerry Pillay
  • Group Work - Anna Phan, Resolve
    • Final Dialogue and discernment session
  • Closing Prayers, NCCA
  • Lunch  
     Anna Phan leads discussions on Key Themes 


Bishop Mar Stephanos, brings greetings from India and the Mar Thoma Church

 Rev Mark Kickett, UAICC, Acknowledges Country before discernment sessions

(L-R) Rev Dr Jerry Pillay, Rev John Gilmore and Liz Stone.

  NCCA President, Rev John Gilmore thanks Rev Dr Pillay for his involvement in the 11th National Forum

Photo credit: All photos are the property of the NCCA. If you would like any in a higher resolution please ask - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:55

Reflection from the President

 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people,
in order that you may proclaim the excellence of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

In a week from now representatives of the NCCA member churches and state councils will gather at the 11th NCCA Forum....We seek your prayers as we gather...

Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:54

Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce 


ACRT news and activity  

  • ACRT report on Submission to the Department of Home Affairs

  • 10 Ways to Celebrate Refugee Week - RCOA
Thursday, 13 June 2024 11:06

Refugee Week Ecumenical Service

World Refugee Day

Online Service. All welcome!

When: Thursday 20 June 7:30pm AEST, 7pm ACST and 5:30pm AWST. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:08

Act for Peace

AfPx150Call for Government to fund climate change loss and damage in Pacific 

Act for Peace, the international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches Australia joins civil society groups from across Australia and the Pacific, calling on the Australian Government to champion loss and damage finance for Pacific Island countries.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:07

Safe Church Program

Safe Church News

  • ACSL Online Learning workshop: Cyber Safety and Digital Wellness of Children and Young People - Friday 21 June 2024 2:00 pm AEST

  • The Commission for Children and Young People, Victoria: Changes to the Reportable Conduct Scheme 
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:06

First Nations

NAIDOC Week 2024

7 - 14 July 2024 


Resources, posters and more are available at www.naidoc.org.au  

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:05

Season of Creation

 2024 Theme:

To hope and act with Creation
The first-fruits of hope  (Romans 8:19-25)

From 1 September through to 4 October, Christians all around the world are uniting to pray and take action for our common home.

The 2024 Celebration Guide is now available.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:02

Ecumenical Dialogue

Anglican-Catholic dialogues in France examine churches’ ethical teachings

Members of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) convened in Strasbourg, France, from May 11-18Juen 2024.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:00

Funding applications welcomed

ARTFIncx150Australian Research Theology Foundation Inc. (ARTFinc)

Funding applications for religious and educational projects within Australia are welcomed by ARTFinc for projects in the Church in 2024-2025. 

Applications close: 30 June 2024 

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