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The NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG) is an independent government agency that works to protect children by promoting and regulating quality child safe organisations and services. The OCG administers the Working with Children Check, the Reportable Conduct Scheme, Child Safe Scheme, and other child protection functions. The OCG has also appointed Child Safe Coordinators who assist faith-based organisations to understand and implement the Child Safe Standards through resource development and tailored training.

The Advocate for Children and Young People is an independent statutory office reporting to the NSW Parliament through the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Children and Young People.

The office is established under the Advocate for Children and Young People Act 2014. The Advocate works to improve the safety, welfare and well-being of all children and young people in New South Wales.



The Children and Young People's Commissioner (CYPC) is a position that is written into law in the Australian Capital Territory. The Commissioner is independent from the government and is part of the ACT Human Rights Commission. The CYPC promotes the rights of children and young people, consults and talks with children and young people, encourages other organizations to listen to children and young people, and take their views seriously when making decisions, and provides advice to government and community agencies about how to improve services for children and young people.



The Commission for Children and Young People is an independent statutory body that promotes improvement in policies and practices affecting the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people. Among other roles, the Commission also supports and regulates organisations, including religious and faith-based organisations that work with children and young people to prevent abuse and make sure these organisations have child safe practices.

These requirements include complying with the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme established by the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005.

A guide for Faith Communities on the Reportable Conduct Scheme (PDF, 432KB) provides general information to support religious and faith-based organisations comply with the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme. 

A Guide for Creating a Child Safe Organisation provides practical ways you can meet the legal obligation of your organisation to comply with Victoria’s compulsory Child Safe Standards. 

The Child Safe Standards Community of Practice brings together people from organisations who need to comply with the Child Safe Standards, to learn from and with each other, and create linkages and networks. 



The Tasmanian Commissioner for Children and Young People is an independent statutory office that upholds, protects, and promotes the rights and well-being of children and young people in Tasmania. 

The role of the Commissioner also involves undertaking investigations and research, influencing relevant policy development, promoting best practice, providing recommendations on proposed policies and legislation, and encouraging organisations to establish child friendly mechanisms to assist children and young people to participate in matters that affect them.  


The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) works collaboratively with government and non-government partners, including families and communities. The role of the QFCC is to respect, advocate for and protect young Queenslanders rights, well-being and safety by driving continuous improvement of the services and systems that support them.

The QFCC provides evidence-based recommendations to inform laws, policies, practices and services; monitors performance and produces authoritative analysis of complex social issues focussed on generating awareness and solutions to improve outcomes for children and their families; are responsible for a number of functions relating to child deaths; and collaborate with organisations in the sector to build stronger child protection and family support systems in Queensland.  

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is an independent statutory office established to protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of adults with impaired decision-making capacity, and children and young people in the child protection system. The OPG advocates for rights and access to services for adult and children and young people clients, provides oversight functions and powers for those in the child protection system, investigates allegations of abuse, neglect or exploitation for adults with impaired decision-making capacity and makes personal, health and legal decisions if the Public Guardian is their guardian or attorney. 




The South Australian Commissioner for Children and Young People is an independent position, established under the Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Act 2016.

The Commissioner promotes and advocates for the rights, interests and well-being of all children and young people in South Australia, and ensures that, as a part of the Commonwealth, South Australia enacts its international obligations. The Commissioner also publishes reports and resources for stakeholders, summarising the conversations and consultation work undertaken with children and young people.

The Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People is an independent role legislated in the Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Act 2016 and has two main branches. The Guardian advocates for children and young people in care, and the Training Centre Visitor promotes and protects the rights of children and young people detained in the Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre. 



The Commissioner for Children and Young People is an independent statutory officer who works closely with children and young people, their families, community, and government to make Western Australia a place where children and young people aged 0 to 17 years are heard, valued, healthy and safe. The functions of the Commissioner includes research, advocating for children and young people, monitoring and advising on legislation and policies, and promoting and valuing the voice of children and young people. 

  • Commissioner: www.ccyp.wa.gov.au/ 

The Commissioner’s Child Safe Organisations WA promotes the need for child safe practices and cultures, across all types of organisations.

The program encourages and assists leaders, staff and volunteers within organisations to place the safety of children and young people at the forefront of their activities. 

The program has developed a range of resources to support organisations to develop child safe strategies, and to implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. The Commissioner has also developed important information for parents, carers and families, including a checklist. 

Child Safe Organisations WA: https://www.ccyp.wa.gov.au/our-work/child-safe-organisations-wa/

Resources include: 



The Northern Territory Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) is an independent statutory office working to ensure that the rights and voices of children and young people are respected and elevated. There OCC has two core teams, the Monitoring and Investigations (M+I) team and the Strategy, Rights and Advice (SRA) team. 

The M+I team manages and investigates enquiries and complaints relating to the care and protection of children, while the SRA team analyses information from investigations and community engagement to identify emerging systemic issues, monitors, advises and influences legislative reform and policy, and improves community awareness on issues relating to vulnerable children. 


For links to more information: 


If you have concerns about the immediate safety of any person, please call Triple Zero (000). 

For child protection related matters, please refer to your state/territory Child and Youth Protection authorities:

New South WalesDepartment of Communities and Justice

Victoria – Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

QueenslandDepartment of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services

Western AustraliaDepartment of Communities

South AustraliaDepartment for Child Protection

Tasmania - Department for Education, Children and Young People

Australian Capital Territory - Community Services Directorate

Northern Territory - Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities   

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