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22 October 2021 

NCCA Professional Learning Webinar

22 October is the Anniversary of the National Apology to Survivors and Victims of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

NCCA’s Safe Church Network presented a Professional Learning Webinar to our safeguarding community on embedding:

National Child Safe Standard 2: Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

The Salvation Army of Australia shared areas of research and programming looking at participation of children and youth in church mission and services.

Representatives from The Salvation Army will be facilitated discussions related to:

  • Developing a Lived Experience and Participation Framework: Emergent learnings from Salvation Army’s journey
  • Case Studies of Youth & Children’s Participation in The Salvation Army.

Friday 22 October 2021 was also the third anniversary of the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse and the webinar commenced with a reflection and prayer to acknowledge this important day, given by John Cox of the Uniting Church in Australia. 

Session one - Uma Komalan

Developing a Lived Experience and Participation Framework: Emergent learnings from Salvation Army’s journey

In early 2021, The Salvation Army started the work on developing a Lived Experience and Participation (LEAP) Framework.  This started with a “discovery phase” that mapped what child and youth participation looks like across different TSA Mission Expressions through a nationwide consultation process. This presentation will provide an overview of the LEAP Discovery Process and the initial findings from the consultations, including discussing key enablers and barriers for child and youth participation.

Session two -  John Marion

Case Studies of Youth & Children’s Participation in The Salvation Army.

Exploring case studies of youth and children’s participation at local and organisational levels, to explore different approaches to empowering young people.

The case studies include examples of empowerment, co-design, service delivery, advocacy, and organisational policy. 

The NCCA is very grateful to the Salvation Army and both Uma and John for facilitating this webinar. 

Watch the video recording here   (1hr 35m)

A recording of the webinar can be downloaded here-

video NCCA Professional Learning Webinar 22 October 2021 (869.71 MB)




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