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On the 15th December 2017, the final report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was released inclusive of the 409 recommendations which aim to make institutions safer for children. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was established in response to allegations of sexual abuse of children in institutional contexts that had been emerging in Australia for many years. The then Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard, MP, announced the decision to establish a Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse on 12 November 2012. Read more here 

Since the release of the Royal Commission recommendations, the NCCA secretariat along with the NCCA Safe Church Program team have worked with its member churches, government organisations, parachurch ministries and service providers to implement the recommendations.

The National Council of Churches is committed to listening to the voices of survivors of abuse and is committed to a zero tolerance approach to Child Sexual Abuse. 



Please refer to the following links:

Royal Commission website

Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said the research report, Key Elements of a child-safe organisation – Research study will assist institutions to prevent, identify and improve responses to physical, sexual, emotional/psychological abuse and the neglect of children.

Early in the inquiry it became apparent that some issues should be reported on before the inquiry was complete to give survivors and institutions more certainty on these issues and enable governments and institutions to implement our recommendations as soon as possible. Consequently, the following reports were submitted: Criminal justice, Redress and civil litigation and Working With Children Checks.

Over 8,000 survivors or people directly impacted by child sexual abuse in institutions attended private sessions at the Royal Commission and shared their experiences and recommendations with Commissioners. Many gave consent for their accounts to be published as short narratives.

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