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NCCA round table Family and Domestic Violence Thursday 2 May, 2019. A Gathering of church and faith community leaders from across NCCA member churches engaged in the work of family and domestic violence in faith and church communities. (participants pictured in image above)


The National Council of Churches in Australia has a zero tolerance stance on all forms of Abuse.

“In Australia one in three women experience physical violence in their lifetime. One in six Australian women experience physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner, and one in four experience emotional abuse from a partner. 

These statistics mean that within churches there are both victims and perpetrators. How the church and Christians respond to them is crucial in seeing justice, healing and transformation. In some cases, churches have responded to domestic & family violence in wonderfully supportive ways for victims. However sadly there have been countless times when the church has let women and children down, and sometimes put them even more at risk through disbelief, minimising the victim’s experience, or staying silent. This inadequate response must not continue.”  Common grace 

Support services

The following Domestic and Family Violence support services are available:

1800 RESPECT National Helpline: 1800 737 732

Women’s Crisis Line: 1800 811 811

Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491

Lifeline 24 hour crisis line: 131 114


World Council of Churches

Thursdays in Black: Resistance and Resilience 

Thursdays in Black grew out of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women (1988-1998), in which the stories of rape as a weapon of war, gender injustice, abuse, violence, and many tragedies that grow outward from such violence became all the more visible. Thursdays in Black is a global ecumenical movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence.

Resources for Thursdays in Black can be found here, including a short three minute video. 

National Anglican Family Safety Study

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne

Youtube videos on:

Anglican Diocese of Sydney

Uniting Church in Australia

Beyond Violence

Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay

Salvation Army

The Lutheran Church of Australia

Joint Churches Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Project

Joint Churches Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Project (JCDVPP) is a Commission of Queensland Churches Together.  It was established in 1991, in response to the needs of victims and perpetrators of Domestic & Family Violence in the Church and wider community. It was set up in recognition of the fact that in many instances those needs were being inadequately or inappropriately addressed by the Church.

JCDVPP seeks to actively address this problem by raising the awareness of Clergy, Faith Leaders and Lay People through the publication of relevant literature and provision of interactive & informative Workshops on DFV Prevention throughout QLD.  JCDVPP is currently in the process of updating & re-developing Training Manuals and Resources for experienced facilitators to provide frontline training for Church, Faith, Community and Health Care Leaders.  Read more here  

Common Grace

SAFER is an online resource intended to help Christian leaders and congregations:

  • understand how domestic and family violence starts
  • recognise different kinds of abuse
  • find the right help for victims
  • appropriately support people affected by abuse
  • encourage perpetrators to change their behaviour.

Common Grace resources:

Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) is a state-wide specialist family violence organisation. For over 30 years we have been working towards our vision of creating a world in which women and their children are thriving, respected and free from violence. Read more here 

Pacific Council of Churches

House of Sarah

House of Sarah is an initiative of the Association of Anglican Women (AAW), launched in 2009. HoS is managed by a dedicated team of volunteers committed to promoting equal and respectful relationships and supporting women throughout the Pacific. The organisation’s mission is to provide a listening ear, a warm heart and a welcoming hand to those women who are facing violence through the provision of counselling, support services, and education, networking, partnerships, and referrals. The organisation works with women, youths, male clergy and laypersons across Anglican parishes in Fiji.

Other Resources

Article published by the ABC

 Creative Spirits 

A Just Cause: No Place For violence Here

CBE International

Restored UK

Restored Relationships

Based in the UK, Restored is an international Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women.  They have produced a resource "Ending Domestic Abuse: A Pack for churches" The pack is available in multiple languages- More information on Restored here 


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