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Our People

Mrs Carmen Lazar OAM

Mrs Carmen Lazar OAM, a member of the Act for Peace Commission, was recently presented with an award for International Womens Day. Due to her dedication and integrity of character Mrs Lazar has been the recipient of various awards the most notable to date the Order Of Australia Medal.

Carmen is the Centre Manager and community settlement officer at the ­Assyrian Resource Centre, a work of the Assyrian Australian Association, which acts as an interface between new migrants and government agencies.

For 22 years Carmen was Principal of the Assyrian Saturday Language Schools, managing its growth from one to three campuses, across Fairfield and the Sydney CBD. She has also contributed to the development and publication of many language resource books. Mrs Lazar has held various positions on boards and committees including Commissioner for Act for Peace and a member of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, works of the National Council of Churches in Australia; Fairfield City Council’s Multicultural Advisory Committee; Settlement Council of Australia; Fairfield Council’s Fairfield Migrant Interagency; Fairfield Hospital -The Consumer and Community Participation Network; Medicare - Local Primary Health Network.

Congratulations and thanks, Carmen, for all you do.


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