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Our common home


Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC).

Raising money for faith-based action on the climate crisis.
ARRCC is seeking donations so that it can continue to make sure that people of faith are at the forefront of climate action in Australia, to walk the talk, to be living witnesses to what we believe in.

ARRCC coalx400Climate change affects people everywhere, and very often it affects the poorest the worst.

Each time ARRCC holds actions, vigils, meetings and events, people say how inspiring it is to see regular people step up and make a difference – in their homes, in their communities, in their world. How empowering it feels to do something about this otherwise overwhelming issue and to find that through love and faithful action it is possible to change the world.

Will you support this movement?

At ARRCC, the past year has been their busiest ever. Last year they decided to hire two Community Organisers on about two days a week each.

ARRCC is a membership-based organisation, which means they rely on donors for support and funds.

If you would like to donate, please do so here.

Find out more about ARRCC, visit their website.




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