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April 2018 Issue 2

Bishop Philip Huggins

Dear Friends

“Peace be with you” (John 20:19).

At the recent NCCA Assembly in Melbourne, focused on the Recommendations of the Royal Commission, it was as plain as day that the NCCA must offer what support we can to member Churches so that we implement the recommendations perfectly.

WCC70x150Ecumenical Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

An Ecumenical Worship Service will be held in the Chapel at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Canberra on Sunday 13 May, at 6.00pm. Dr Sang Chang will be the preacher. 

Ecumenical Roundtable to mark 70 Years of WCC

Hosted by the Centre for Ecumenical Studies, part of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, with the theme - We intend to stay together: 70 years of the WCC.

“Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power" 

WoPCUx150(cf. Exodus 15.6)

13 – 20 May 2018

In 2018 the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Australia will be observed in the week between Ascension and Pentecost. 

Resources are now available.

Invitation for Symposium presentations:

st ireanusx150

St Irenaeus of Lyons - History, Theology & Significance of Apologists

The 8th Patristic Symposium will be held at St Andrew’s Theological College, Sydney from Friday 24 August to Saturday 25 August 2018.


Let's Talk About West Papua

You are invited to hear from two remarkable West Papuan human rights defenders leading a campaign for dignity and safety.

Talks will be given in Brisbane, Caloundra, Sydney, Melbourne, Geelong and Canberra from 15 -29 May 2018.

chaplainx150Welcome to AVECA as a Network of the NCCA.

This allows for the practical engagement of the Churches with Federal and State governments and community and raises the value and importance of spiritual care in community recovery. 

Ration Challenge 2018

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Are you up for the challenge?

Sign up now for the Challenge, 17-24 June 2018.

You can make a difference by raising vital funds and sharing your experience to raise awareness of the refugee crisis.  


ACRTx150The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) 

Refugee groups are pushing for a new community-sponsored resettlement program which they hope could allow up to 10,000 more people to call Australia home. ARCT are proud to be a part of this call.

World Council of Churches 

WCC s2

16 April Media Release - WCC call for immediate ceasefire in Syria
WCC urges community to find a way to break the cycle of violence

Reminder Job Vacancies - Applications close Monday 30 April 2018.

1. Director of Commission on World Mission and Evangelism 

2. Programme Executive for Spiritual Life and Faith and Order

rel symbolsx150Faith Leaders call for coal mine to be abandoned

Over 50 faith leaders have signed a joint letter asking Gautam Adani to abandon the proposed coal mine in North Queensland. This initiative was organised by Australian Religious Response to Climate Change(ARRCC).

Abrahamic faithx150Abrahamic youth light the way for interfaith dialogue.

On 16 March 2018, students from the three Abrahamic faiths met in Sydney at the Great Synagogue. They shared thoughts and ideas, and also gained an insight into the Jewish faith.

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