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Message from the President

Bishop Philip Huggins

Dear Friends

“Peace be with you” (John 20:19).

At the recent NCCA Assembly in Melbourne, focused on the Recommendations of the Royal Commission, it was as plain as day that the NCCA must offer what support we can to member Churches so that we implement the recommendations perfectly.

The NCCA Assembly made vivid both the priority of this task and how important it is that our NCCA does this well, complementing and supporting the work of Australia’s Churches.

As others have said, the Royal Commission was itself a blessing in disguise.

The recommendations, well-implemented, will help us expand “the footprint across Australia of a safe Church”, as Bishop John Henderson said at the Assembly.

This is necessary in itself and also in order to start improving the narrative about our Christian Church in Australia. Hence the urgency to do this well. 

It is an opportunity for our NCCA to serve our members (and others) in a very important way. With our new structures and constitutions now in place and with the skills of current staff we are well able to do this. 

In this context, may I also convey that at the recent NCCA Board meeting we resolved to appoint our current Associate General Secretary, Ms Liz Stone, as Interim General Secretary for the period up to and including the June 2019 NCCA Forum so that we can keep moving purposefully to address the recommendations of the Royal Commission in the coming year.  

For the sake of the Gospel, if a meeting with Liz Stone and I would be helpful, please let us know. We would be grateful for such an opportunity to pray and listen. 

With prayers now in our Risen Saviour. 

Grace and peace in Jesus,

Bishop Philip Huggins

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