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Coronavirus & handwashing

Videos in 25 community languages

In recent weeks various agencies have published  COVID-19 initiatives. Humans like us  have collated all these initiatives, to present it in one single platform on their website.

The NCCA would like to share the Videos in language: coronavirus & handwashing website page. 

The page has links to hand washing videos, posters and key SBS and government information about how to keep safe from corona virus, in the following 25 languages, spoken in a number of our refugee and asylum seeker communities:

African languages

Swahili/Kiswahili, Kirundi, Dinka, Nuer, Lingala, Oromo/Afaan Oromoo, Somali, Amharic, Tigringya

Middle Eastern languages

Arabic, Kurdish/Kurmanji, Assyrian, Chaldean, Hazaragi, Dari, Pashto, Farsi/Persian

Asian languages

Bengali, Tibetan, Tamil, Hindi, Chin Hakka/Hakha, Karen, Zomi/Zou, Nepali/Napali

Please visit the Humans like us website - https://www.humanslikeus.org/coronavirus 


If you know of any other helpful resources available in these languages or have suggestions for other languages to add the website, please contact Selena Choo at Humans like us.

M: +61 401 202 013 E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  W: humanslikeus.org - https://www.humanslikeus.org/coronavirus   

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