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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This year’s theme calls us to move from shared prayer to shared action. The international resources for the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity have been prepared by colleagues in Malta. The 2020 theme, “They showed us unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2), remembers the historic shipwreck of Paul on the island of Malta and calls us to a greater generosity to those in need.

NCCA RESOURCES available now:  

WoPCU 2020 Worship Service resource (Word Doc) - The NCCA realises that this may need your creativity and adaptation in the current  COVID-19 situation

 WoPCU 2020 Reflections for the 8 Days (PDF)


These are still being developed. We will advise when they are available.


Information concerning Week of Prayer for Christian Unity activities may be obtained from your State Ecumenical Council.


Acknowledgement: These resources in Australia are based on the international material for the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity produced by the World Council of Churches. They have been adapted for use in Australia by the Faith and Unity Commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

Donation: If you have found these resources useful, any donations to help cover the cost of producing the resources will be gratefully received by NCCA Faith and Unity. Locked Bag Q199, Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230.

Many thanks.
For more information: ph. (02) 9299 2215

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