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10 years of conflict in Syria

Middle East Council of Churches: 

MECC Lights a Candle of Hope in the Lives of Syrians

Around 10% of the population of Syria are Christian and represent Churches from Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Catholic and Protestant denominations. Many are The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) members.

The MECC has implemented a number of humanitarian programs to assist Syrians, ranging from educational and vocational trainings for youth and women, distributions, health awareness, support for small projects, support for agriculture and livestock, water and sanitation program and cash for work, called “Service with Dignity”.

These programs have had the effect of lighting 'candle of hope' for those displaced and affected by the Syrian crisis. 

Below is a summary of  the MECC report by Lama Halaweh, 10 Years of War… MECC Lights a Candle of Hope in the Lives of Syrians

  • Food Baskets and Clothing, beneficiary families in 2020 reached 9859
  • Spread of Health Awareness
  • Building a Future, students benefiting from this aid in 2020 reached 6518
  • Support of Humanitarian and Natural Resources, beneficiaries in 2020 reached 1876
  • People and Buildings Restoration, beneficiaries in 2020 reached 667
  • Church Restoration and
  • Human Dignity and Rights

Read the MECC report by Lama Halaweh, Syria Office

For your interest:

READ - UN News - Syria: Grim 10-year anniversary of ‘unimaginable violence and indignities’ 

LISTEN - ‘I wish it had been a dream’ : Voices from Syria - To honour the enduring yet fragile resilience of the Syrian people, the UN joined forces with Messenger of Peace and legendary cellist Yo-Yo Ma’s non-profit organization, Silkroad.



Act for Peace:

March refugee appeal - Showing Syrian refugees they are not forgotten.

The Syrian conflict, now in its 10th year, is one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time.

“It's hard to imagine life in a war zone, until your home becomes one. For the past decade, this has been the reality for millions of Syrians.”

These are the words in a recent ABC news article. It’s not an easy read, but it’s an important one which highlights the experience so many Syrian families have been through. 

Read the ABC article A Decade Lost by Tracey Shelton posted 15 March 2021.

Today, with COVID-19, the plight of Syrian refugees no longer makes our front pages. Yet their lives are not getting any easier. In fact, the COVID-19 crisis has made their desperate situations even harder.

Civilians just like Lilia* and her young family who are suffering the most. Image credit: Joel Pratley/Act for Peace

*Lilia's name has been changed to protect her identity as a refugee. 

The world’s focus may be elsewhere. But, Act for Peace’s partner is still on the ground in Jordan, delivering life-saving aid to Syrian refugees and helping them rebuild their lives. The problem is, the need is far greater than what they can meet. 

Syrian families need your care more than ever. Will you please stand with Syrian refugees ten years on and give a life-changing gift today? 


Your gift can not only provide urgently needed food, health care or training, but it can show a refugee in Jordan that they’re loved and not forgotten. This makes a difference. 


Thank you for your care and compassion. 












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