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Message from the President


We are continually blessed to see the Easter Hope renewed by faithful lives, spirit- filled. Generally, this follows some adversity.

The dear couple who have founded i4give Day after the tragic death of their children now share the resources that help people find that “there is freedom in forgiveness”. www.i4give.com 

Having passed on this inspiration and the related resources to people needing help, I have seen the vivid hope they can bring.

Through the NCCA we can see the synergies with another movement called National Forgiveness Week which has already brought Easter peace to places in our region.

Heartfelt forgiveness, one to one, is transformative.

Forgiveness brings healing and reconciliation to families and communities, even after years of bitter estrangement.

It provides new life and breaks the pattern of one pay -back only leading to the next.

It takes us deep inside the Word and Spirit of Jesus on the Cross: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. (Luke 23:34).

“They know not what they do” is what we see each day in a world ravaged by reciprocal violence.

Hence those whom we see practice costly forgiveness, with dignity, are such a blessing!

Hence too, we understand why disciples of Jesus symbolise this with the empty Cross.

In resurrection faith, hope and love a wonderful new example is the huge Cross being erected in the centre of Australia on Memory Mountain by the traditional owners of the land. https://www.memorymountain.com.au/mentor-team 

Listening to the elders recently, we imagined this will become a place of pilgrimage as we pray for the healing of our land. 

 “Christ at Emmaus” by Stuart Maxwell

The Risen Jesus' hand is at the door, welcoming us on with the journey - as in Stuart Maxwell’s Australian bush painting of “Christ at Emmaus” (Left).

In our together Australia we journey on together. As the Saints convey, we are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song.

Happy Easter


Bishop Philip Huggins,

NCCA President

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