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Australian Student Christian Movement

Call for expressions of interest – National Coordinator

The Australian Student Christian Movement (ASCM) is a national ecumenical fellowship of students and ex-students (Senior Friends) seeking to commit to Jesus Christ and his Gospel and to live out this gospel in prayer, study (especially of the Bible) and commitment to others, especially through social justice action. 

ASCM is seeking a new national coordinator! If you have a heart for working with students of all ages and the young-at-heart, enjoy working across different faith traditions, and are passionate about Christian activism, this is the role for you. 

ASCM is a friendly, inclusive organisation and welcomes members from all denominations and theological and social positions. There are branches around the country of both students and senior friends (those who were once student members of the organisation), and they regularly run international online seminars on topics related to social justice, theology, and what it means to be Christian.

ASCM are looking for someone to coordinate their activities at the national level, including national events and meetings, spread the word about ASCM by attending ecumenical and student events, encourage ASCM groups in different states and the ACT and take the lead on administrative matters as outlined below. If this sounds like something you’d love to do, please do apply!

See more on the ASCM webiste: https://ascm.org.au/article/call-expressions-interest-national-coordinator 


Applicants should include: 

A standard CV

A separate statement addressing the selection criteria above.

Details of three referees (references from them need not be submitted)

Applications: Due by Monday 17 May 2021. Please send applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Enquiries: Please contact Barrie Baker, 0450391941, or Claudine Chionh, 0418592269.

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