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Pascha prayers for the Orthodox Churches

Christ is risen. Indeed, He is risen. 

“I Am the Resurrection and the Life”  (John 11:25)

The Orthodox churches celebrate Pascha (Easter) this coming Sunday 2 May, 2021. This is the most joyous celebration of the entire year, as the Orthodox community gathers together to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In the Orthodox Church the Easter Feast is officially called Pascha, which means “Passover,” and it remembers the new and everlasting covenant foretold by the prophets, which was fulfilled by Christ’s Resurrection. Pascha is the major feast of the Orthodox Liturgical year, and is a time of exultant joy and celebration, because Christ has broken the power of death! 

With heart-felt meaning, these words are sung during Pascha: 

This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha marks the end of the Lenten fasting period.  Much anticipated, delicious foods will be shared — foods which have not been eaten in more than a month. This marks the beginning of Bright Week, a week of feasting and celebrations of Christ’s resurrection.  

The Paschal season continues until Pentecost. This is a joyous time in the Church, with people greeting one another with the words “Christ is Risen!” and respond with “Truly, He is Risen!”

The NCCA prays for the Eastern and Orthodox church communities as they celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We pray for our Orthodox member churches; the Antiochian, Coptic, Indian, Greek, Romanian and Syrian Churches.

We pray for the homelands of Orthodox Christian Congregations. Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Palestine, Iraq, India, Greece, Russia, Ukraine and Romania.

We pray for the lands and people torn apart by war, famine (deprivation), religious extremism, and natural and manmade disaster, including COVID-19.


"Let no one fear death, for the death of our Saviour has set us free! Christ is risen and the angels rejoice!"

St. John Chrysostom


"For thus the power of death was overcome, and the dominion of corruption, which had gained sway over us was destroyed."

St Cyril of Alexandria

The Great Week leading to Orthodox Easter in Jerusalem

The "Great Week" of the Orthodox churches, this year, comes four weeks after that of other Christians who follow the Gregorian calendar.

With the country's borders still closed to tourists, the celebrations in Jerusalem will be attended only by local Christians. And what they are most looking forward to seeing is the flame of the Holy Fire coming out of the tomb. In the Orthodox tradition, it is the Lord himself who brings forth the fire from within the tomb from which he rose. Every year, the miracle of the Holy Fire - attested to since the ninth century - attracts tens of thousands of people. 

Before 1967, they came from all over the Arab world. Nowadays, they come from all over the Orthodox Christian world. This year…, the entire Holy Week of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate will be broadcast live on social media.

The health situation in Israel and Jerusalem is better, so Orthodox Christians may come in greater numbers than usual from Galilee. Those from the Palestinian Territories, on the other hand, will not be able to go to the Holy City if they have not been vaccinated.

Arabic greeting of Easter joy: Al Massih Qam! Hakan Qam!  - Christ is risen! He is truly risen!

Read more at: https://international.la-croix.com/news/religion/holy-week-in-jerusalem-with-orthodox-confessors-of-the-faith/14178  

Below is an extract from the messages of our Member Church Leaders who will be celebrating Pascha this weekend 

Christ is risen. Indeed, He is risen.

We are celebrating blessed days that move us to the next chapter of our life, the Resurrection....

May the resurrected Lord grant you all, with your beloved ones a joyful life filled with the Gifts of Him, Who is risen from the dead.

Yours in Christ,

+ Metropolitan Basilios 

His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios, Archbishop

Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines


As we celebrate the glorious Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, we rejoice, and our hearts are full of gladness....

May the light of the risen Christ fill your families and homes with abundant spiritual strength and joy. Christ bless Australia, its Government, and its people.

Bishop Daniel

Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church - Diocese of Sydney & Affiliated Regions


"now all things are filled with light, heaven and earth and all things beneath the earth."

… And so, beyond the ongoing difficulties and challenges, let us, more than ever, embrace this unfading light of Christ, with all our hearts and with all our being; let us rejoice in the Light of the Resurrection and share the radiant Paschal joy to all those around us through our witness; knowing that His is a Light which will radically transform our fragile existence, raising us up into life everlasting.

Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Easter, I remain,

Prayerfully yours

Archbishop M A KA R I O S, Primate,

Greek Orthodox Church of Australia


Easter/Pascha marks the foundation of Christianity. Messages from our churches speak to our Australian and world context in this year’s celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. 

Download the MEDIA RELEASE PDF of the 14 Australian church Easter messages in full. 

For further information contact: Liz Stone NCCA General Secretary, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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