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Care of Creation

They Shall Inherit the Earth

Tearfund Australia’s landmark report on climate, young Christians and the Church in Australia. It's the most comprehensive research to date on Australian Christians' views on climate change.

They Shall Inherit the Earth climate report, released on 21st March 2022, reveals that:

  • more than three in five young Christians are very, or extremely, concerned about climate change,
  • with two thirds of young Christians calling on the local church to lead the way in taking action to address it

Concern about climate change has climbed to an all time high, and in 2021, Tearfund commissioned this in-depth study of the views of young adult Christians, church leaders and the wider Australian community. It offers vital insights for healing the growing generational and geographical divide on climate change within the Church. This summary presents the key findings of the report.

Visit Tearfund Australia  for more about the Report, The Summary for Church Leaders, and resources.  

Read: Young Australian Christians want churches to be more involved in climate change fight - report , Sight Magazine  


South East Queensland Anglicans mark Australia’s Overshoot Day 

Queensland Anglicans marked Australia’s Overshoot Day,  23 March 2022, by bell tolling across the south-east.  A prayer vigil was held outside the electoral office of the Assistant Minister for Environmental Management the Hon Trevor Evans MP. Attendees calling for bold climate action by 2030.

The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Cat, Anglican Dean of Brisbane, led the prayer vigils outside the Cathedral and also at Evans’ Albion electoral office. Climate action requests had to be slipped under the electoral office door due to being locked out. 

“Australians consume the Earth’s resources at a much higher rate than most of humanity, reaching our Overshoot Day in March because we consume what the Earth provides four times faster than it can regenerate,” The Very Rev’d Dr Catt, Anglican Dean of Brisbane

Read: SEQ Anglicans mark Australia’s Overshoot Day with bell tolling in churches and hymn singing outside Trevor Evans’ electoral office - Anglican Focus (The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community)

Read:    pdf StJohn'sAnglicanCathedral AustraliaOvershootDay Release 23 03 22 (535 KB)

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