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Safe Church Program

Assessing allegations of neglect

The NSW Office of the Children's Guardian (NSW OCG) has released their online reportable conduct 'Assessing allegations of neglect' tool.

The purpose of the tool is to help you to assess whether the information you have meets the threshold of a reportable allegation of neglect. 

During their reportable conduct webinar for religious bodies last year, the NSW OCG spoke about a tool they were developing to help entities assess information that might include reportable allegations of neglect.

The reportable conduct category of neglect has been particularly challenging for entities, because there were some key changes to the neglect definition under the Children’s Guardian Act 2019. 

The Assessing allegations of neglect tool is now available on the NSW OCG website through the following link Assessing allegations of neglect | Office of the Children's Guardian  

About the Assessing allegations of neglect tool

In the tool you will be asked a number of questions about the information you have received, and all you need to do is answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ by clicking the relevant button.

If you are unsure about some of the terminology in the questions, there are highlighted words that you can click on to give you more information and where relevant, examples of what is meant by a particular phrase or question. You will continue answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions until you receive an outcome. The outcome will either instruct you to report the matter to us within 7 business days, or it will inform you that the information you have assessed is not a reportable allegation of neglect.  

Help or Enquiry 

You can always speak with to the NSW OCG through their Enquiries Line on 02 8219 3800 or the assigned reportable conduct portfolio holder or case officer.  


The NSW OCG would be most grateful to receive your feedback each time you use the tool. 

There is a 2 question survey monkey in the outcome pages to make this process simple. The entire survey should take less than a minute (unless you want to provide some optional more detailed feedback). 

Direct link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K769ZZ6 

When making comments in the survey monkey, please do not provide any information that identifies an employee or child. The feedback in the survey should be about the tool itself and how well it assisted your decision making. If you wish to discuss a case, please contact the enquiries line, 02 8219 3800 





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