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President's Reflection

This week is holy week for the churches of the East.

It is striking that in one part of the church we are in the season of Easter, while other Christian communities are preparing for Good Friday and the Easter celebrations.  

This week a member of the Greek Orthodox church described to me with energy and joy the steps in his church’s remembrance of the death of Jesus and the anticipation in the worship on Easter Saturday night. At midnight the priest comes out of the darkened chancel holding a burning light. He invites people to come and receive the light. This light is carefully shared and taken home as sign of the presence of the living Christ. It is central in the feast that people share when they go home. 

The richness of this tradition, and the many traditions of Holy Week and Easter across the Christian churches reminds us over, and over again that our common faith is focussed on the Risen Christ. This focus is something we must cultivate and not lose. 

The contrast with our world is great. The living light is needed. The World Council of Churches Weekly News this week highlighted the control being exercised over the number of people allowed in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the celebration of ‘Holy Fire’ on Easter Saturday.  

There so many situations of suffering being experienced. We are so aware of the people of the Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, Tigray, and other places. In these, and in other settings of violence and suffering, whether national or personal, we pray for the transforming reality of peace and new life that comes as the gift of the risen Christ.

Rev. John Gilmore

NCCA President 

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