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Stop Adani Coal Campaign

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After the recent news in relation to the Commonwealth Bank what are the next steps in this campaign?

People of faith are encouraged to join in the conversations in Summits being held in various locations around the country. 

Stop Adani Summits

Since March over 160 local #StopAdani groups have formed right across the country from Cairns to Castlemaine, Perth to Parramatta. The campaign is moving quickly and opponents are still pushing forward, now is the time to come together.

The #StopAdani Summits are gatherings which give us a chance to:

  • Meet and connect with others in your community taking action to #StopAdani
  • Hear an update on the state of play, from the politics to the finance and more
  • Share stories, resources and plans to make our movement powerful and coordinated

Most of all, the Summit is a chance to plan the actions will be taken in our communities during the next phase of the campaign to stop this mine once and for all. Exepct to pay a modest amount towards costs, including lunch.

The confirmed dates and locations are:

Lobbying Federal MP

Faith leaders have been busy keeping the pressure on Federal Minister for the Environment and Energy, Josh Frydenberg. On Friday 25 July an interfaith group protested outside his office in Melbourne. A number of faith leaders met with the Minister on the 3 August, including the NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins.

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Meeting the Minister, L to R: Rev Alex Sangster (Uniting Church), Alex Merriam (Australian Religious Response to  Climate Change community organiser), Bishop Philip Huggins (Anglican, and President of the National Council of Churches), Tejopala (Triratna Buddhist Order) and Sister Barbara Daniel (P.V.S.M). Not shown but also present: Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black, Leo Baeck Centre.





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