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Pilgrimage Bible Studies


Knapsack for the Journey of Faith: Pilgrimage Bible Studies

World Council of Churches - Theological Study Group

You are invited to reflect on the diverse stories of these pilgrimages in the Bible and connect the dialogue between biblical contexts and contemporary contexts. These readings are part of a series of Bible studies for the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. Each one encourages reflection and invites you to embark on an individual or community pilgrimage.

Genesis 12: 1-9 “Pilgrimage onto already-settled land”, by Jione Havea

Abram’s journey in Genesis 12 as a response to God’s guidance becomes a pilgrimage of blessings. The unnamed destination of his pilgrimage is encountering people and their land. Abram will become a a kind of “platform” of blessings among other peoples and nations, rather than an exemplar of the exercise of power and control over those peoples and their land. As God commissioned Abram to go forth as a source of blessings, God calls us to go in the pilgrimage of blessings.

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