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Our Churches in the news

Tasmanian churches show hospitality to seasonal workers


The NCCA commends Tasmanian churches for the hospitality given to fruit pickers from Vanuatu over the past six months. The wonderful ways in which these workers have been welcomed into the community has been rewarded with a rich cultural exchange and lasting ties of friendship.

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you are doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

During their stay in Tasmania, the workers have become involved in the activities of the local churches, in particular the Uniting Church, Longford and Cressy Anglican Church. Concerts have been held in both churches to raise funds for the dental health program and work towards training local health workers. 

Our prayers join those of the Tasmanian communities as the men and women return to their families. 

Read the Tasmanian Anglican article Vanuatuan fruit pickers to discover more about the church activities and how to make a donation to the ‘The Vanuatu Prevention of Blindness Project’ (Dental Care Program). 

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