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Message from the President

Bp PHx150Reflecting on Transfiguration

It is early morning. I am preparing for Eucharist on the Feast of Transfiguration, Jesus’ radiance on that mountain up from Galilee. As I work, I reflect on the painting below by Australian artist Hans Heysen, it is called, “Droving into the Light”.

I once gave a Retreat on this painting, “Droving into the Light” of Jesus who enlightens and delights; who transfigures our disfigured perceptions.

HHx400Early this week, also, as you know was the historic reality of another anniversary, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. That terrible light exploding over families having breakfast, kids preparing for school...

It is a poignant day for those of us with some awareness of the divine beauty and purpose, the prefiguring of Jesus’ Resurrection, glory in the Transfiguration...

Here, there is morning news of horizontal and vertical nuclear proliferation. Those with nuclear weapons are “modernising” their arsenal, making them more lethal. More nations want to acquire nuclear weapons, leaders seeing the correlation with power and influence.

We are making a small video/advert of children speaking and singing the yearnings of their hearts and ours:

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing there is just too little of...”


“We don’t need more trouble. No more trouble. What we need is love”...

Greetings of peace, prayers for peace and for strength in advocacy as we continue “Droving into the light”. 

Abundant blessings,

Bishop Philip Huggins
NCCA President

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