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CCA General Secretary re-elected to 2nd term

NCCA Congratulates Dr Mathews George Chunakara


The Christian Conference of Asia's Executive Committee has unanimously re-elected General Secretary Dr Chunakara for second term. In doing so, he is the third General Secretary in the 62 year history of the CCA to be re-elected for a second term.

Upon receiving this news, NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins sent Dr Chunakara a congratulatory message. The letter is reprinted below:

Dear Dr Mathews,

Our congratulations!

Your unanimous re-election as our General Secretary is such good news. 

I know personally how tirelessly you have worked. Your ministry is marked by your faithfulness, intersecting with both ecclesial and wider political realities.

You continue to bring to this task all of the organisational knowledge, networks and insights of your previous international ministries. There is much to be done, especially for those most vulnerable across Asia.

It gives me peace to know that you are willing to continue this demanding work for a further period.

Be assured of our prayers and support, here at the NCCA.

With prayers of gratitude now,

Bishop Philip Huggins
President, NCCA.


Read the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) announcement CCA Executive Committee unanimously re-elects General Secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara for second term posted on August 13th, 2019.

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