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Kaldor Centre Annual Conference 2019 - Sydney NSW


Good decisions: Achieving fairness in refugee law, policy and practice. How do you decide?

Registrations open - Learn the  latest research, strategy and analysis about refugee decision-making

Every day, people are making life-or-death decisions about who receives protection from the risk of persecution or serious harm. Meanwhile ‘fake news’ and spin are straining political debate about asylum worldwide. What’s the impact on individual refugee decisions?

Who makes the call on refugee status, and how? It may be an airport immigration official, a tribunal member, judge, public servant, or even the Minister. In another sense, it is the general public, who elect those politicians shaping the overall approach.

‘Which mistake is worse: to deny a refugee claim that should have been granted, or to grant a claim that should have been denied?’ Refugee law offers no answer about which potential error a decision-maker should prefer, she says. ‘This hole in the law’s foundations may well be undermining refugee protection across the globe.’

Is refugee decision-making today fair, transparent, protection-sensitive, and consistent with international law? Explore this from the micro to macro level, from individual cases through to wider public policy, at the Kaldor Centre Annual Conference.

When: Tuesday 26 November 2019 9:00am to 5:00pm 

Where: Law Theatre G04, Ground Floor, Law Building, UNSW Kensington Campus 

Keynote speaker: Hilary Evans Cameron, author of Refugee Law’s Fact-Finding Crisis: Truth, Risk and the Wrong Mistake (Cambridge 2018).

Conference fees - Prices inclusive of GST and booking fees.

  • Early bird fee (by 30 September 2019) 
    • Standard Registration $160 
    • NGO/Student Registration $100 
  • Regular fee (from 1 October 2019) 
    • Standard Registration $200 
    • NGO/Student Registration $140


Keynote speaker

A former litigator, Hilary Evans Cameron represented refugee claimants for a decade and now holds a doctorate in refugee law from the University of Toronto. Her research explores refugee status decision-making with a focus on credibility assessment. Dr Evans Cameron was the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s 2017 Bora Laskin National Fellow in Human Rights Research. She is a lecturer at Trinity College in the University of Toronto in the Ethics, Society and Law program and an adjunct professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.

Conference lunch and break refreshments will be provided by the House of Welcome. The House of Welcome catering social enterprise creates connections through cultural and fusion-inspired cuisine made by people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.

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