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Freedom for the Captives


Pastors Forum - Sydney

Early bird tickets available till 23 August 2019 

An invitaiton for pastors and Christian leaders who are leading their people towards prayer and action to end modern slavery.

When: 4 September 2019  9:00am to 3:00pm

Where: Scots Church,44 Margaret St, SYDNEY NSW

Please register online:-  https://ijm.org.au/pastors-forum/

Presented by International Justice Mission Australia (IJM), Freedom for the Captives presents a unique opportunity for pastors and ministry workers in Australia to consider the Bible’s teaching on justice, and how that has been, is being, and needs to be applied in the Australian context. 

The primary question pastors will consider at this forum is: What is the role of my church in bringing freedom to the captives?

IJM has assembled an exciting array of speakers who will explore Scripture’s teaching about justice, examine church history, reveal the connection of justice to discipleship, and give insight into what God is doing through his people today

Attendees are asked to make three core commitments:

• Pray regularly, asking God what the role of your church is in bringing freedom to the captives
• Preach the message of biblical justice, drawing your people into God’s heart, and into a deeper appreciation for Christ who has won our freedom
• Lead your church to hear and answer the cry of the oppressed locally, nationally and around the world

Download pdf IJM Freedom for the Captives 19 A4 invite (1.19 MB)  to see more about the guest speakers. We encourage you to pass this information onto your networks.

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