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Interfaith News

Exploring multilingualism, religion and spirituality in Australia

The New South Wales Ecumenical Council are inviting people to be part of a new book which will include your voice, your language and your community.

This is the first book to explore the relationships between languages, religions and spirituality in the Australian landscape, through community contributions.

Stories of both community and liturgical languages, accounts of language teaching and learning connected to a spiritual context, and stories of the relationship between the teaching of Indigenous languages and Indigenous spirituality are all welcomed. 

Be part of a book:

  • What are your experiences in the connections between your languages, religion and spirituality?
  • What does learning and using the language mean to you? How do you use it?
  • What extra understandings come from knowing the language? Is there a religious or spiritual dimension to the language?
  • Does that change your life? What is the future of the language?

How to participate

Stage 1.

Please send a short description of your contribution, length approximately 300 words (2-3 paragraphs), to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The paragraphs will be used to compile a book proposal and secure a contract with a publisher. 

Due Date: 15 September 2020. 

Stage 2.

You will then be asked to write your extended submission, ideally 2000+ words. Shorter pieces are also welcome, say 1-2 pages. These shorter pieces will be collated into into chapters of different voices.

Due Date: February 2021

The questions below may provide further ideas for your writing. Choose relevant topics.

Suggested questions

  1. What language(s) do you use or understand, in your religious practice / spirituality? What role(s) does that language have? Please give some short examples of the language, with translation, and why these are significant. How has it shaped your identity or sense of belonging to that community? Images can be included if desired
  2. How would you describe the relationship between your languages, your religious practice/ spirituality, and your everyday life?
  3. Has your community made choices in language use? Is this a source of tension?
  4. What are the goals of teaching or learning a language connected to a spiritual context?
  5. In your community, are there connections between language and contribution to social justice issues, and/or social harmony?

All enquiries to:

Dr Robyn Moloney (Macquarie University) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Very Rev Fr Dr Shenouda Mansour (NSW Ecumenical Council, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Download more information:

Call for chapters  

Invitation to Participate Flyer  

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