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Ecumenical News

Trilateral Conversation's final report on baptism published

The final report is the conclusion of theological discussions between Lutheran, Mennonite and Roman Catholic communities on the understanding and practice of baptism in light of contemporary pastoral and missional challenges.

Representatives of the Catholic Church (Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) met from 2012-2017 to bring about this report titled "Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church.

"With this report, we believe that Mennonites, Lutherans, and Roman Catholics not only can take a significant step towards increased mutual understanding, but also make an important  contribution to the wider ecumenical conversation on baptism as it relates to the justification and sanctification of the sinner. Given the challenges of our times it is our hope that common perspectives on baptism, as communication of saving grace and faith in Jesus Christ, will serve to advance not only oneness in the body of Christ but also the evangelizing mission of the Church."

+ Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga, Prof. Dr Friederike Nüssel, Prof. Dr Alfred Neuf

 Read the La Croix International article Trilateral Conversation's final report on baptism published

Download and read the full report.

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