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Act for Peace

Ration Challenge 2020

Join the challenge Sunday 13 – Saturday 19 September 2020

Sign up now for the Ration Challenge. Let’s show we really are #inthistogether

More than one in every 100 people on Earth have been forced from their homes by conflict or disaster. And it’s a huge injustice that these communities will now be hit hardest by the Corona virus pandemic. But you can help.

We're all affected by the coronavirus, but not equally. Refugees were already living a nightmare; and now, as a result of the pandemic, many could starve to death.

Take the Act for Peacee Ration Challenge. Eat the same rations as a refugee for one week, raise money and save lives. By doing so, you’ll help bring emergency food, hygiene kits and life-saving support to the people that need it most, and you’ll be showing the world that we really are all in this together. 

Find out more, or sign up at https://actforpeace.rationchallenge.org.au/ 

Eat rations. Raise money. Save lives.

Visit the Act for Peace RATION CHALLENGE 2020 website for more information on the Ration Challenge and to sign up. 


Eat the same rations as a Syrian refugee during Refugee Week – just a small amount of rice, flour, lentils, chick peas, beans, fish and oil – and get sponsored to do it. The money you raise will provide food, medicine and education for refugees; and support other communities around the world threatened by conflict and disaster. You’ll be making a real difference and showing refugees we are #inthistogether 



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