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NCCA call for further Prayer and Fasting

NCCASaturday 26 and Sunday 27 September 2020

With prayerful greetings, can we encourage that 26 - 27 SEPTEMBER be a further special time of National Prayer regarding the pandemic?

We all know the continuing impact of this pandemic, overseas and here.

We are all aware of the suffering it is causing; the extent of the social and economic dislocation, the difficulty getting the virus under control and the level of many people’s anxiety.

What we can offer again now are our prayers together as we did on Sunday August 2 (albeit with minimal notice on that occasion).

It is comforting when we know we are all praying together to our Saviour. Some of our member Churches have international partners who are also focusing their prayers on September 26-27, so we will be part of a global time of prayer.

As you know, we all share a strong belief in the efficacy of our prayers.

We make our prayers together for an end to this pandemic (with all this involves), trusting Jesus’ word to us - God wills to “give good things to those who ask”.  (Matthew 7:11)

From our various traditions, there are prayer resources, ancient and contemporary, which we are offering already.

Here is a prayer that might be helpful in the lead up to September 26-27.

“Gracious God, trusting in your providence and presence, we bring our prayer for an end to this pandemic.

We pray for your strengthening of those offering costly leadership during this crisis.

We pray for all who are ill.

We pray for those anxious about getting ill.

We pray for those full of grief.

We remember those who have died.

We pray for your grace to sustain us as we do what we can in our context.

We ask these things, as you encourage us so to do. “Ask and it will be given you.” (Matthew 7:7).

In resurrection faith, we offer our heartfelt prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.”  


We offer our prayers for all we need, including an end to this pandemic.

Bishop Philip Huggins

NCCA President


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