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Christian Conference of Asia

World Day against Trafficking in Persons 

"The responses of churches to trafficking must be survivor-led and trauma-informed. Churches must also continue to honour and amplify the voices of survivors as part of effective and comprehensive anti-trafficking strategies that advance prosecution, protection, and prevention efforts,” said the Christian Conference of Asia’s General Secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara, in a message released on World Day against Trafficking in Persons.

 …The number of trafficking victims has risen sharply in the last decade with the crime being most prevalent in Asia, where a majority of victims are trafficked for sexual and labour exploitation.

The full text of the CCA General Secretary’s Statement on World Day against Trafficking in Persons can be found here:


CCARegional Symposium on ‘Family Life and Family Values: Transition from Tradition to Modernity’

The Christian Conference of Asia’s (CCA) online Symposium on ‘Family Life and Family Values: Transition from Tradition to Modernity’ commenced on Tuesday, 3 August 2021.

The Symposium is being attended by over 50 specially invited representatives comprising clergy, lay leaders, pastoral counsellors, social workers, and family healthcare providers from across Asia.

Read more: Symposium on ‘Family Life and Family Values: Transition from Tradition to Modernity’ commences

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