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Hands Off Our Charities

New Australian Government regulations will impose unprecedented red tape on Australia’s 59,000 charities, meaning precious time and money will be redirected away from services to admin and legal fees. 

Speaking out on behalf of the communities that our Churches serve may result in a real threat of Charity deregistration by the ACNC Commissioner.

Whether it’s First Nations peoples, the environment, people experiencing homelessness, or people seeking asylum - all Australian charities are under threat from these new regulations. 

Speaking up for justice is at the very heart of many of our Churches' missions. The Federal Government’s regulations may stifle our advocacy and silence the voices of the millions of people that we work with.

The new Federal regulations would mean charities can be deregistered if anyone connected to them is involved in even the most minor of offences – for example, for blocking a footpath at a public vigil. The regulations could even see charities deregistered for unintentional acts. Yes, charities could even be deregistered if supporters or volunteers are engaged in these kinds of activities without the charity’s knowledge. 

Additionally, they could be deregistered for things they haven’t even done yet but that the Charities Commissioner ‘reasonably believes’ they could do in the future. 

The laws are an attack on our democracy, weaken our ability to hold the government accountable, and undermine free speech and fairness.

Speak out now, we still have time to stop these regulations from becoming a reality.

In the meanwhile, here are the resources prepared by Hands Off Our Charities (HOOC) to support charities to engage their supporters in this battle.

Have your say: Use the  document Template MP letter [make copy before editing] (18 KB)  to contact your MP.

Social Media:  image Facebook and insta square HOOC (564 KB)  - pictured (right) of all HOOC Alliance members.

Learn more: about the HOOC ACNC Campaign

Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions. 

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