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Safe Church Program

Safer Churches: sharing online resources

Webinar recordings 

Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training. (National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, Standard 7) 

In 2020 the National Council of Churches’ Safe Church Program worked in partnership with the Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited (ACSL) to hold a series of expert-led webinars on two key areas of safeguarding education. These webinar recordings are now available at no charge.

You may wish to adapt these webinar recordings for use in your education programs for ministers, ministry leaders, staff and volunteers.  

Grooming Awareness:

Recognising the risk factors of child abuse, including grooming behaviours, is a critical part of training for personnel in child safe organisations. This three-part series covers: 

Managing High Risk Individuals:

Strategies for Managing Persons of Concern who may be involved with your organisation are critical to your overall safeguarding capabilities. In this two-part series developed with the National Council of Churches’ Safe Church Program, expert practitioner Mr Carl Collins shares learnings, tools and strategies to help develop and implement safeguarding practices which protect children from harm. 


National Child Safety Framework 

The NCCA Safe Church Program's Child Safety Framework has a resource hub that has been developed to assist you with practical examples of how to implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations in your church and Christian ministry.

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