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Creation care workshop

'Reframing climate and creation care communications for Christians’

The Brisbane and Grafton Anglican Deans are co-hosting an online workshop. All interested clergy, lay people, communications staff and key church advocates are invited to join this workshop.

When: Wednesday 29 September 2021

Participants will explore an alternative messaging approach that is centred around shared values, positive framing, solutions, scripture and Christian identity/mission, so that hope and agency are emphasised, and messaging is respectful and effective. 

Anglicans care about God's Creation; however, based on feedback we have received, and lessons learned, the Church’s messaging could be more hopeful, positive, tangible, tailored, engaging and solutions focused. 

Thus, this workshop will provide participants with an alternative way to reframe climate and creation care communications for Christians who are unsure where they stand or may be ambivalent about the issue. 

The workshop is especially designed for Anglican clergy and laity, communications professionals and key advocates nationally to help sharpen their advocacy communication skills, and especially the effectiveness of:

  • press release and opinion piece writing
  • media liaison
  • campaigning and political lobbying
  • homily crafting
  • Bible study and small group facilitation
  • community forum and panel presenting
  • public lecture giving.

The workshop facilitators are The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt (Anglican Dean of Brisbane), Peter Branjerdporn (Anglican Church Southern Queensland) and Michelle McDonald (Anglican Focus and North Coast Anglican Editor) in partnership with The Very Rev’d Dr Greg Jenks (Anglican Dean of Grafton). 

Importantly, while the workshop will focus on climate and creation care, the key principles explored in the workshop are relevant across diverse advocacy sectors. 

You are warmly invited to join in the workshop and to invite other clergy, communications professionals and key advocates in your Anglican community.  

Essential event details:

When: Wednesday 29 September 2021

Time: 12 noon to 3pm

Cost: Free event held via Zoom

Register: online by Monday 27/9 via- https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=793939& 

A Zoom link will be sent to you ahead of the event.

For more event information, please contact Peter Branjerdporn via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0431 606 432.

Brief workshop outline:

  • Facilitators will share their climate and creation care advocacy learnings.
  • Examples of current/common messaging will be discussed.
  • Reframed messaging and best-practice advocacy principles will be explored.
  • Participants will work in small groups (with assistance) to rewrite a sample message using the alternative messaging principles.
  • There will be time for questions during the workshop (with the option to stay online after the event closes to ask more questions).


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