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New appointment 


Picture above: Professor Anne Pattel-Gray. Image sourced: ABC, May 2022 

The NCCA congratulates Professor Anne Pattel-Gray on her new role.

The University of Divinity has recently appointed Professor Anne Pattel-Gray as Professor of Indigenous Studies and inaugural Head of the School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity.

Professor Anne, who is a descendant of the Bidjara / Kari Kari people of Queensland and a celebrated Aboriginal leader, commenced her role on Monday 15 August 2022. She will be based in Brisbane, Queensland.

The NCCA, along with our Church and Ecumenical leaders, recognises that this is a significant appointment as as we learn to walk towards Recognition, Reconciliation and justice for our First Nations people. 

Professor Anne will be speaking at the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Karlsruhe, Germany in September, continuing her work across ecumenical communities and all God’s people. NCCA General Secretary, Liz Stone is looking forward to hearing her speak at the WCC Assembly.

"My hope is to educate the next generation of leaders and clergy to be change agents who can transform the hearts and minds of every Australian towards a more inclusive country that recognises, respects, and treasures the oldest living culture in the world and the wisdom that we bring to this nation.” Professor Anne Pattel-Gray


the University of Divinity Media Release  

Read more:

Professor Anne Pattel-Gray appointed Head of University of Divinity’s School of Indigenous Studies from the University of Divinity website.  



Professor Anne recorded a message to the wider Church community on ‘Statement from the Heart’, for the Churches Together SA. It is available for use across all churches, colleges and schools on the Churches Together SA YouTube Channel 

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