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Act for Peace Ltd Director


Non-Executive Director

Act for Peace (AFP) has commenced their search for another director with lived experience of forced displacement, with faith/church connections, and ideally with an entrepreneurial bent. This search is part of their new strategic focus on working even more closely with people who have been displaced. Last year, Oliver Slewa joined the board table and AFP are hoping to be successful again.  

If you share our passion for creating a world where everyone has a safe place to belong due to your own experience of displacement, have some understanding of the governance of organisations and are interested in joining our board, we are keen to hear from you.

We need your help with this. Please think about any contacts, networks or people you might know who might be interested.

People can contact the chair, Ginie Udy to discuss the role on 0408 020 836.

Applications close on Sunday 28 August 2022

The advertisement is posted on various sites, including the Act for Peace website. Click on Learn, then More.

For more information: Apply directly through this link 

About Act for Peace

Act for Peace Ltd (AFP)is the international aid and development agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) and has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the NCCA since 2017. The NCCA is the sole Member of Act for Peace. AFP is a company limited by guarantee, registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and a member of the Australian Council for International Development.




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