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President's Reflection

In a little less than two weeks’ time people will gather in Karlsruhe, Germany for the 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches. 

The theme of the assembly is “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.” 

It is a rich theme and takes us into what draws us together as the people of God. We are united in our experience of, and commitment to, Christ’s love. It is this reality that shapes our Christian identity. It is core to who we are as Christian communities and pivotal to what we seek to share and express. 

The theme implies an impact and movement. The ‘moving’ of the world is an outcome of our experience of Christ’s love. It is not a command, rather an invitation to be on a shared journey and one that leads to reconciliation and unity. 

I have little doubt that there will be many times when, in the assembly, the reality of humanity in its conflict, injustice, and environmental complexities will be overwhelming. There will be little time for naïve hope. 

It is an occasion to take the reality of the world as it is seriously and orient our life as churches in responding with Christ’s love. 

Throughout the assembly there will be a rhythm of worship and prayer. It is described as being an ‘Oasis of Peace’.   

What a wonderful way to focus worship as “it joins the religious journey and spiritual practice of Christians and their churches to their engagement in the concrete search for justice and peace, markers of the coming reign of God”. 


The resources for the assembly at available on the assembly website and I encourage you to browse them and follow the content and rhythm of the assembly.  https://www.oikoumene.org/about-the-wcc/organizational-structure/assembly

Rev. John Gilmore

NCCA President 




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