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Ecumenical positions open

NSW Ecumenical Council

General Secretary 

Applications are invited for this multi-faceted 3 day a week position, located in the CBD of Sydney.

The applicant is responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the Council, working closely with Board members. The Council has a membership of 18 Christian Churches.

The applicant is a person of integrity with a lived understanding of the Christian faith, interested in the history and current thinking about ecumenism and has an openness to working with Christian and non-Christian faith communities and secular organisations to build positive community relationships. 

The position of General Secretary is supported by an administration support worker. 

The full position description and requirements for the position as well as further information about the NSW Ecumenical Council is on the website: https://www.nswec.org.au/job-openings/ 

Applications to be forwarded to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  by COB Thursday 17 August 2023.


Temporary part-time administration assistant


  • The position will last at least until 30 November 2023, with potential for a longer term arrangement, with a reduction in hours.
  • The position is for 12 to 16 hours per week, as agreed, some of which need to be worked in the office at 379 Kent St, Sydney. Some hours can be worked at home.

Criminal records and Working With Children checks will apply. The applicant needs to have a valid visa to work in Australia.

Applications should be made with a resume/curriculum vitae and names of two referees.

Position Description: Download   pdf NSWEC_Administration support worker pos. descr. (229 KB)  for more details  

For further information: Wies Schuiringa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Applications close: COB Thursday 17 August 2023

Application to be emailed to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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