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Our Churches

Catholic Church in Australia

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil

In solidarity with a major international gathering in Rome ahead of the first session of the Synod on Synodality, Catholic communities around the world have been invited by Pope Francis to host an ecumenical prayer vigil on the weekend of 30 September - 1 October 2023.

Prayer Resources

As the first assembly of the Synod approaches, the national team is working to provide prayer resources and bulletin notices. These will be published on the website and previous resources can also be found here: https://catholic.org.au/synodalchurch 

Australian Participants in the Synod

Fifteen people from Australia will be participating in the Synod, and they have asked for the Catholic community’s prayers as they prepare for their important task. A prayer vigil would be a great way to respond to their request, and to gather with Christian sisters and brothers in our shared faith.

Find out more and register your vigil at: https://together2023.net/ 

Read more: List of the participants to the XVI General Ordinary Assembly | www.synod.va








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