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Faith communities demand climate justice

Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 25 Madrid 2019

"We have faith and hope that as humanity we can come together to address the severe climate crisis and open windows to a better future."

The statement outlines the urgency to act now, failure of Governments on the delivery of promises from the Paris Agreement, intergenerational justice, economic transitions, the inclusion of social justice along with the urgency for people of faith to speak and act. 

Read the full Interfaith Declaration here 

Signatories of the declaration (last update 11 December 2019) are:

World Council of Churches
ACT Alliance
The Lutheran World Federation
Pacific Conference of Churches
Islamic Relief
Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA)
Aytzim: Ecological Judaism
Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)
World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)
WSCF Europe
La Alianza Interreligiosa y Espiritual por el Clima (AIEC), Chile
Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE)
SAFCEI South Africa
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development/Rabbi Yoanatan Neril
Interfaith Power and Light
Norwegian Interfaith Climate Network
Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE)
Eden Vigil (USA & Canada)
Fast for Climate
Canadian Interfaith Fast for Climate
Quakers in Britain
Instituto de Estudos da Religião (ISER), Brazil
Movimento Fé no Clima, Brazil
Climate Witness Project of the Christian Reformed Church (North America)
Rev. Chebon Kernell, North America Indigenous People
Bishop Philipp Huggins, National Council of Churches in Australia
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Marc Andrus, Diocese of California, USA
Rev. Elizabeth Bussman, Diocesan Environment Officer for the Anglican Diocese in Europe
Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Network (Green Anglicans)

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