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Ethical fashion

Ethical FRx150

2019 Ethical Fashion Report - Sixth Edition

The Ethical Fashion Report sheds light on what the industry and individual companies are doing to address forced labour, child labour and exploitation. Since the launch of the first report in 2013, each report has tracked the progress within the industry.

The Fashion Report is released ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, a tragedy which cut short the lives of 1,134 garment workers. When the factory came down, it simultaneously catapulted the poor and unsafe working conditions of the apparel industry to front page news and to the front of our minds. 

The International Labour Organisation estimates that there are presently 24.9 million people in forced labour exploitation and 152 million child labourers scattered across the global economy. Many of this number are forced to work in the farms and factories that resource the apparel industry. For millions
of others working in the industry, wages remain so low that they are unable to lift themselves and their families out of poverty.

Go to this link and find how your brands rate, ethically - https://baptistworldaid.org.au/resources/2019-ethical-fashion-guide/ 

There is also an app for ethical brand ratings - Good on You. Find it in the App store.

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